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A week later, eri was just trying to process what the commission told her. As much as part of her wanted to believe them, she knew that she shouldn't and ask Kota herself. Eri takes a deep breath and goes up to Kota and Lauren. "Kota, can I ask you something?" Eri asks, Lauren rolls her eyes and tries to say something. "Listen cunt I'm not in the fucking mood." Eri says, Kota growls "don't fucking-" "maybe if she stayed the fuck outta shit that has nothing to do with her I would. Now can I talk to you or not?" Eri asks, Kota growls at her.

"If I fucking talk to you, then you better fucking promise not to talk to Lauren that way again." "Fine, deal" eri says and Kota looks at Lauren. "I'll be right back okay cupcake?" Kota says before going with eri. "Okay what the fuck is so im-" "the commission told me you didn't give two shits about me and that you no longer cared or loved me and I figured I'd ask you if that's true or if I should just ignore it." Eri says, Kota froze clearly pissed. "Eri, look at me." Kota says getting eri to look at him. "You're my best friend, of course I love and care about you. Just because I want to spend more time with my girlfriend doesn't change the fact that you mean the world to me." Kota says, "don't let the commission tell you otherwise. Just ignore them for now I'll handle it soon okay? And I know you're upset I mean I would be too if someone told me that and you genuinely didn't know who to believe....but you still can't talk to someone like that okay?" Kota sighs, "weren't you the one who told me to stand up for myself?" Eri ask and Kota rolls his eyes, "yes. And you really should, but when I'm around you don't have to do anything okay? If it gets out of hand I'll handle it like always" Kota says, eri nods but completely ignored that. Sure she trusted that he still loved and cared about her, but she knew damn well he wouldn't do shit when she needed him...not anymore.

She was honestly completely ready to handle herself. The only reason she was a little hesitant was because of the hero code, after all if she broke that she'd die...after all she did take the oath. "That's all I wanted you can go back to ignoring me now" eri says, she actually had to go do something for the commission so she technically wasn't supposed to be at school. "Wait, I have a question" Kota says, stopped eri. "Whatever happened to amber? She went missing and we're getting worried..." "I'm trying to figure that out myself" eri admitted. " the commission sending you on missions." Kota asks, his voice full of anger. "Hm? Yeah, why? If you want information I'm not allowed to say anything it's all confidential" "that's not what I'm concerned about. You're 13, and they're sending you on missions?!" Kota growls, "yeah? So? It's not anything too dangerous...the pros handle things mostly, I'm just their lil watch dog you could say" eri says, granted her definition of not too dangerous was completely different from what it used to be.

"They better keep it like that. If anything dangerous does happen tell me okay? I'll handle it, just remember you don't have to do anything you don't want to... especially when it comes to the fucking commission." Kota says, that was really the only thing he managed to uphold. Anytime eri generally got scared and didn't wanna do a mission. From that point on the commission couldn't force her, because all she had to do when let Kota know and he managed to find time to yell at the commission until they agreed to not send eri. Unfortunately, that's all he did the commission could still punish her and everything...but then again Kota wasn't aware of the punishments otherwise he wouldn't have allowed them to do that either.

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