Broken promises

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Eri smiles at Kota, "don't worry Kota-kun! I won't do anything too dangerous! Just some basic training!" Eri reassures the male. "Oh! Speaking of I was thinking our sleepover this weekend should be at my hous-" "about that, I was gonna stay over at Lauren's house this weekend, maybe next weekend okay?" Kota says and eri felt her heart breaking a little bit she quickly hides it. "Oh okay!" She says and Kota smiles, "I plan on asking her to be my girlfriend!" Kota admitted, eri froze "but what about-" "eri c'mon you know you're my best friend.... nothing more than that....please stop with that whole promise thingy...I don't even remember promising such a thing...." Kota sighs annoyed.

"Right, my bad" eri sticks out her tongue. She was a master at hiding her emotions so Kota didn't even realize how much he just hurt her. "Here we are" Kota says dropping eri off at her house. "cya!" Eri says waving by, she goes inside and sees mic. "hey papa!" Eri smiles going up to him to help him clean the house. "Oh guess what! The commission said that I was accepted into UA and they wanted me to train now!" Eri says as she puts some dishes away. "Woah? Really! That's amazing little rockstar! Eraser will be so proud of you!" Mic says hugging eri.

Eri hugs back smiling. "Is auntie midnight coming over today?" Eri asks and mic nods. "Of course rockstar" eri giggles and once her and mic were done cleaning eri sat down to finish some homework. soon enough, midnight as well as other heros came over. This was were the commission leader came over and met eri for the first time. After all, before all this Kota would NOT let the commission leader anywhere near eri. But today he chose to go over to Laurens for dinner instead of joining eri.

A few weeks later, eri was so exhausted and started falling asleep in class. Originally Kota was worried and would normally check on her or take notes for her. But today he wasn't there, eri went through the whole day waiting for Kota. When the last bell rang signalling dismissal, eri waits for Kota by the gate. Normally he walked her home so he could make sure she was there safe. She waited for 2 hours, by that point it was just her and 4 other students. "Eri, it's time to go home dear..." One of the teachers say, "oh I'm just waiting for Kota to walk me home..." Eri admitted, "hon...he left hours ago, he went on the bus with Mrs. Lauren..." Eri was shocked, " okay" she smiles and waves as she starts to walk home alone.

She's never once walked home alone before so she wasn't really prepared for it. Unbeknownst to eri, this was the start of her walking home alone for the next two years. Eri was practically running, the sun was setting and she really didn't wanna be walking Alone when the sun went down. She eventually made it home panting, "eri you're late." Aizawa says coldly, "sorry I was waiting for Kota...but he went home with someone else so I-" "YOU WALKED HOME ALONE?!" aizawa says worried, he instantly checks eri for any injuries or bruises.

"From now on I want you to come straight home. It's not safe to walk alone this late." Aizawa scolds and eri nods. "Yes sir..." She says looking down, "good, now go get dressed the commission is coming over to meet with ya and introduce you to a few kids" aizawa says and eri nods going to get ready.

Once the commission as well as some other kids around eri's age got their eri bows. "It's a pleasure to meet you all" she says kindly, "try hard." A girl rolls her eyes, "hey come on now, at least she has more manners than you!" A guy says, "now now please don't fight" another male says, "I agree with Mr. Shy guy over here, shut the hell up" another girl says. Eri looks at all the kids unsure of all of them. "eri meet your new friend, Amelia Suzuki she's Mrs. Lauren's little sister, Ace Todoroki, Jake Sato,
Luna Tanaka, and lastly Yuki Todoroki, Mr. Ace's twin brother" the commission leader says, eri looks at them. She didn't know any of them and she was about to say something. "Now go hang out with your new friends, don't worry when you come of age you'll get to pick which one of these four will have your hand in marriage." The commission leader says.

"But-" eri starts, "I'm sorry you seem to misunderstand...this is not up for debate okay Hun? Now run Along" eri nods and goes over to the kids. "h-hello I'm Eri Aizawa" eri smiles and waves hi. They all eventually reluctantly go outside to hang out. Luna was constantly fighting with ace and Amelia, Jake was just looking around and Yuki was sitting next to eri actually trying to get to know her. "Oh! I normally love making pillow forts and watching movies! I'm not great with anything scary though" eri says, Yuki smiles blushing a little. "That's adorable, maybe someday you can come over and we can build a pillow fort" he offers and eri smiles and nods. "Yeah! I'm free this weekend if you wanna have a sleepover then!" She says and Yuki nods. "Sounds like a plan, you go to ***** middle school correct?" Yuki asks and eri nods.

"Same here, so how about we walk home together? I heard you had to walk home alone today...a beautiful girl like you shouldn't ever have to walk alone, it's not safe" Yuki says brushing the hair out of eri's face. She didn't understand why but her heart flutter when he did that and she smiled, "yeah definitely!"

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