Broken minds

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Thanks to eri's quirk it only took her a week to heal. Not once did Kota come to visit her, he never even sent a 'get well soon' card. Of course when she asked about him everyone told her the same thing, "oh Lauren needed him, she said it was an emergency." To be fair, eri understood that Lauren must also be traumatized and just needed her boyfriend there...but eri was the only who barely escaped alive, and she at least wanted a card...yet Kota couldn't even do that. That moment eri felt completely shattered.

"Damn...he really doesn't care about me anymore does he?..." Eri says sitting up. "Where do sorry eri... I'm sure he'll-" Mandalay starts, "make it up to me? No...he chose a gold digging bitch over me. There's no making that up....thank you for everything Mrs. Mandalay, I look forward to continuing to stay in touch as you need...I think it is best to focus on my training though" eri says as she cleans up the hospital room getting ready to be discharged. "Of course...I'll have Kota move into the guest house...that way if you could still come over...I mean we would really love for you to come help out with the training camp" Mandalay says.

Eri nods and smiles, "I'm sure the commission would be happy to allow me to help out" eri says, while that eri was taken home by the commission. "!!" Eri instantly sees that they placed some fresh cookies in her limo. "Cookies!" Eri yells excitedly as she gladly starts to stuff her face with the double chocolate chip Cookies. What made it even better is they had some milk too. Once eri got home all the cookies were gone as was most of the milk. "Mmm....that's cookies were delicious!" Eri says happily. Sure, sometimes she hated being forced to be a hero early...but moments like this? She has adored the unlimited sweets she could get. That was really the only thing she was allowed to be selfish about was her sweets.

Eri was hold for around an hour when the commission came. "Our sweet child...." The commission leader says holding eri's hand. "We're so happy you're alive...and we apologize...our oversight nearly cost you your from now on we'll be intensifying your training..."

The next day, eri went to school with a concussion. "...." She was so out of it that even when she walked in on Kota and Lauren doing it for the first time in the bathroom she wasn't paying attention. In fact that concussion was so bad it was the one that started eri's memory program....of course she didn't know that as time would go on she'd get more and more concussions and more and more memory issues. "?!" Kota quickly tries to cover them when he saw eri. "..." Eri was just on cloud 9. "Fucking hit me in the head with a damn rock." Eri grumbles as she leaves. Ironically, eri completely forgot what she saw within 5 seconds of it happening.

Eri managed to last 3 hours into school before being sent home because she just couldn't focus. The middle school actually got so used to eri not being there that a good chunk of her school work was given to the commission so they could have her do assignments whenever she could.

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