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A year went by, eri was completely numb to a lot of the things she was put through. She was actually the mission leader and basically just the leader of her whole group of friends. Anything they couldn't handle or do eri had to pick up the slack for them. Lately, eri found out she could make people forget certain things by rewinding their minds. Of course that was extremely dangerous for her to do. Eri really didn't care, as long as it helped them....she would do anything for her team.

Eri was helping Lauren and Amber with cleaning and of course Kota was helping too. "eri!!" Luna calls trembling, eri was startled a bit but looks at Luna. "Whats wrong Hun?..." Eri asks, setting what she was doing aside. She goes to Luna clearly worried, Luna told her what happened in was clear that Luna was traumatized. "Here let's go outside okay? Some fresh air might help and we can talk a bit more..."

Eri and Luna go outside, a few minutes later Luna comes in. "KOTA I NEED TO BORROW YOU!" She says scared, she really didn't know much about eri or her was actually the commission that told her that Kota would know more about what to do than anyone. "Um-" "back of-" "shut it Lauren. He isn't your fucking pet." Amber shuts Lauren up as she could easily tell something wasn't right.

Luna didn't Wait for Kota to answer she just grabs the male and drags him to eri. She was having a full blown seizure, blood was pouring out of her mouth and nose, her eyes were completely rolled back and her horn was sparking. "Holy-" Kota says kneeling next to eri. He's honestly never seen this before, "um...look through her bag hand me the quirk represents...the shot not the pills." Kota says trying to elevate eri's head. " this it?" Luna asks, handing Kota the quirk represent shots. "Mhm" he says, he ready's the shot and makes sure there wasn't any air bubbles in the syringe. "Is she okay?!" Luna asks scared, Kota carefully holds eri's arm down and injects the shot into her. "To be honest...her quirks never done this before..." Kota says, her takes turns eri's head to the side holding it still gently. He did this so she couldn't suffocate on her own blood.

Soon the quirk represents kicked in and her seizure slowly stopped. "Why does she need quirk represents? Wouldn't it be better if she just let her quirk go without limiting it" "no, her quirk grows faster than her body can the quirk represents help keep her quirk to a level where her body can actually handle it." Kota says, "can you go get me a damp cloth and some extra shirts? There should be some clothes in my bag, it's on Lauren's bed" Kota sighs, he was trying to keep eri from actually dying. Luna nods and quickly grabs what Kota asked for and gives it to him.

"The fuck did you do to her anyway?" Kota asks, "I um...I don't remember...I just remembered her asking me to come with her and then she just gently grabbed me and then it's a blur...I come to and we'll she's like this" Luna explained, "well whatever you fucking had her do don't fucking do it again." "I don't know what she-" "did I fucking ask?!" Kota snaps, he didn't show it often anymore but he really did care a lot about eri. Which is why even with him mostly ignoring her now he still stepped in and protected her when something was genuinely dangerous and might actually kill her.

He then feels eri starting to have another seizure. "Fuck..." He whispered under his breath. Not once has eri had an episode like this, and definitely not to this level. "Go grab eri's stuff, once she's more stable I'm taking her home." "But-" "shut the fuck up. Go get her shit and bring it here. She's going home after this end of discussion." Kota says, he knew that eri needed rest and constant care and that was something he couldn't give her right now. So, it was safer if she went home to her family who were better equipped for this stuff. Usually Kota was better prepared for this, but again he hasn't been with eri for awhile now.

Luna glares, "no." She says standing up to Kota. "That wasn't a fucking question. Go get her shit, just cuz I won't hit girls doesn't mean I won't have someone else do it." "Who? Your girlfriend? I can easily beat her as-" Luna starts when her ear piece goes off. She froze and growls, "fine. Whatever." She says going to grab eri's stuff, Kota was confused but goes back to making sure eri didn't die and recovered alright. Once eri seemed alright and was responding okay he carefully helps her to his car. "What did you do before you got like that?" Kota asks helping Eri into the passenger seat. "Um...Luna needed help so I used my quirk to make her forget something" eri admitted. She gags and covers her nose, Kota's car smelled strongly of Lauren and it gave eri a headache. After all Lauren basically BATHED in perfume so the smell was really strong.

Kota was completely used to the smell and it doesn't even bother him anymore. He gets into the drivers seat and sighs. "No more doing that seriously fucks with your quirk... honestly..." He sighs and reverses out of the driveway. Eri was looking out the window when her nose started bleeding. "Shit." She says, Kota thought it was just another spell so he hands her some tissues... little did he know that eri's nose was bleeding for a completely different reason.

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