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Eri took a little while to build up the courage to escape. She didn't show it but she was absolutely terrified right now. "Alright, let's get out of here" eri says helping Lauren up, "stay close. If you go too far from me I can't guarantee I'll be there in time to save you" eri says softly. She then grabs the rock from earlier, she uses it to bust the lock on their door. "Alright there" eri says grabbing Lauren's hand as they both leave the cell. Lauren was extremely hesitant, "we should wait for kota-" "why? I didn't need him the last few times I got held hostage. I sure as hell don't need him now" eri says.

"Eri you'll die if we don't-" "I've already died plenty of times. Nothing new everything just goes black and when you come back you wake up like nothing happened" eri says, "you wha-" "shhh" eri hushes Lauren as she listens. "Someone's coming, you should hide..." Eri says looking around, "get in the closest" "but-" "listen I know you're homophobic but maybe spending some time in the closest will help- now go!" Eri says shoving Lauren in the closet. Eri sighs and quickly backs away from the closet and goes to look for something.

"Should've known you'd escape." A villain says, "yeah? I mean good attempt, I'll give you that" eri says giggling and smiling. She sounded so kind... despite the fact she hated all villains with a burning passion because they took Yoki from her. "Oh dear you're all messy and covered in blood..." Eri says sounding worried. "Yeah? Soon I'll be covered in your blood too." "That sounds very dangerous, we can always..." eri says trailing off, she was staring one of all for one's allies in the face. She knew that she had a high chance of dying if she fought her best hope was to stall as long as she could I just pray someone found them before the villain found Lauren.

Of course before anyone knew it a whole fight broke out between the two. Eri was badly beat up as she sucked in close combat still. "CUPC-" Kota starts and just then he watched as eri got impaled straight through the stomach. "Eri...." Kota says terrified. He tried to go help her and just then not only was eri bleeding out the villain also shattered her ribs and Kota heard the crack of her ribs as they broke followed by a scream of agony from eri. "What do you think you're doing?" Shinso says making himself sound like Dabi. "Dab-" the villain starts and freezes under Shinso's control. "Go to the police station and turn yourself in." Shinso says, Kota rushes to eri trying to slow the bleeding. "Eri?!...hey hey it's okay... you're... you're gonna be okay...just try and heal yourself as much as you can..." Kota says scared. He noticed eri's wound on her stomach was starting to heal, "yeah...yeah just like that... you're doing amazing..." Kota says trying to just be there for eri and keep her alive.

For the first time in awhile eri had Kota's undivided attention...but that was because she was on the brink of death and Lauren was completely fine. "Gah!" Eri screams as it hurt so much to breath with her broken ribs. "Shh shhh...I know...I know it hurts eri but try and bare with will be here soon.." Kota says brushing eri's hair out of her face. Eri was covered in bruises, her lip was busted, there was a gash on her forehead, she was covered in her own blood, and just had so many broken bones. "Eri I need you to stay awake okay? I know it hurts and...and you're probably tired just stay awake.." Kota says examining all eri's injuries. "It...hurts..." Eri says weakly "I know... just bare with it a little longer...."Kota says using his quirk to clear off some of the blood off eri. Eri was starting to pass out, "eri?...eri please try and stay awake...." Kota says, unfortunately for him eri passed out. All he could do was continue to check her for a pulse as she faded in and out of consciousness.

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