First time

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Two weeks went by, eri, Yuki, and Luna all seemed to get along. Jake, Amelia, and Ace seemed a little bit much for eri but she still did her best to get to know them. "So, we should all have a sleepover at my house" Amelia says, "my sister and her boyfriend will be there but don't worry they shouldn't bother us" Amelia says annoyed Rolling her eyes.

"Oh, okay" eri says smiling. Yuki hugs eri and nods, "yeah sounds fun!" Yuki says, he honestly only agreed thinking eri wanted to do it and he just wanted her to be happy. "Kay Kay" Luna shrugs, "o-oh okay!" Jake nods "Ugh whatever, she better not be a pick me girl like you." Ace rolls his eyes. "Yo, stop fighting and Ace be kinder" Yuki scolded softly as he picked up on eri's discomfort. "Whatever." Ace rolls his eyes, eri giggles and looks up at Yuki and mouths the words, "thank you."

Once they all got to Amelia's house, Amelia instantly started dragging eri around. After all, she wanted to make Lauren jealous. "Um hi-" eri says trying to greet Lauren for the first time. "Ugh leave her be eri chan, she's just a try hard you're better off-" Amelia starts, Lauren turns to Kota for help but Kota signals to eri knowing what was coming. "Amelia please that's not nice.... besides I can at least say hi...even if that's all I say to her." Eri says and Amelia rolls her eyes. "Fine, but if you say anything more to her I swear-" "shut the hell up already" Kota says, he clearly didn't really like Amelia nor did Lauren.

"Eri, look I know you think everyone's a good person and all that but you really shouldn't be hanging out with Amelia" Kota says looking at her annoyed and worried. "I-" eri starts and Amelia jumps on her back, "shut the fuck up just because me and my sister hate each other doesn't mean you can ruin my life!" She yells at Kota. Kota actually had to catch eri as she almost fell when Amelia jumped on her back. "Get the fuck off her." Kota growls, Amelia then gets off eri's back. "Eri I mean can really befriend anyone else just please not Amelia...." for the first time even Lauren seemed worried for eri. Clearly they knew something about Amelia that eri didn't, that's why both seemed so scared for Eri.

"Yeah, honestly if you wanna hang with us instead you totally can" Lauren says, sure she didn't really like eri but she put all the asside in hopes to get her away from Amelia. "It's fine really" eri says going to back away when kota grabs her and whispers to her, "don't let her find out about your quirk." He warns, he felt some kind of relief when eri nods letting him know she'll make sure to at least do that. "If you decide to come hang out with us just knock on the last door on the right, okay?" Kota whispers, once again getting eri to nod.

Eri, Yuki, Ace, Luna, Jake, And Amelia all head to Amelia's room after that exchange. They all sat down around the room talking to each other. When suddenly there was a knock "yo eri, if you decide to take us up on the offer just know on my door and then wait for us in the living room" Lauren says before walking away. Eri thinks for a moment before she saw Amelia pull out a bottle of vodka. "Fuck yea!" Luna smiles as everyone even Yuki gladly drank some vodka, eri was the only one who was hesitant...after all those 4 have been forced friends for years. Eri was just new to the group. "C'mon eri live a little!" Amelia says handing eri a bottle of her own. "Chug it! Chug it! Chug it!" They all chant. Eri was really unsure, but wanting to fit in she gave into the peer pressure and takes a drink of the vodka. She instantly puts the Bottle down coughing like crazy as she holds her throat.

"Pfft! Sorry if we knew you never drank before we wouldn't have started you with something so strong...but oh well~ drink up!" Amelia says forcing eri to drink more. Dispite the fact eri was clearly in pain from her throat burning, and in desperate need of air. Eri being desperate to be allowed to breathe again chugged the whole bottle, after she was about ⅓ through the bottle everything was already becoming so fuzzy, and by the time she was done with the bottle she was completely drunk.

The rest of the night was a blur. All she remembers was waking up, her head was pounding. She felt someone helping her sit up, "there you go..." She hears a familiar male say. She suddenly got hit with extremely intense nausea, before she could stop herself she just starts to puke. She felt someone hold something in front of her that she was puking in. "That's it, get it all out of yours system...." The male says she felt her hair being tied back. Once she felt somewhat better From puking she finally opens her eyes a little. She sees Kota worried yet pissed at the same time. "Hey cupcake can you turn off the lights?" He asks, "yeah..." Lauren says turning off her bedroom likes making it easier for eri to open her eyes. "What happened?..." Eri asks clearly feeling like shit.

"What do you remember?" Kota asks helping eri drink some water. Eri basically chugged the water like she hasn't had any in years. She wipes her mouth once she was done with the water, "I remember talking with those guys...then Amelia pull out a bottle of something....everyone else was doing it and I felt like I didn't have a choice so I tried some....I remember my throat felt like it was on hurt so bad, then Amelia put the Bottle to my mouth and forced me to continue drinking...then I guess I just woke up here..." Eri says, Kota puts the trashcan back in front of eri. She didn't even notice it but luckily Kota did, because the moment he did that she started to puke again.

" don't remember anything else do you?..." Kota asks worried, "no...." Eri says weakly lifting her head. Kota grabs a wet wipe and cleans eri's mouth. He looks at Lauren and she shook her head no. "alright..." He sighs, they decided it best not to tell eri anything that happened. "You're staying here with us until you go home." Kota says sternly, "try and get some sleep, imma go make you something to eat, do you want anything cupcake?" Kota asks, "fish sounds delicious!" Lauren says and Kota nods, "anything for you cupcake" Kota stands up and kisses Lauren before leaving. Sure normally he and Lauren were by each other's side 24/7 but even Lauren didn't dare leave eri alone. Not cuz she cared about the girl, but because she knew what Amelia was capable of and she wouldn't let anyone deal with her no matter how much she hated them.

Kota soon came back handing Lauren her food and gently sitting next to eri, he carefully feeds eri. He was doing his best to help her get over her first hangover. "Do you know how to make a hangover cure?" Lauren asks, Kota shook her head. "Ugh wait here." Lauren says annoyed heading to the kitchen. Kota sighs and continues to take care of eri. "here." Lauren hands eri something, "drink it" Lauren says annoyed and practically yelled at eri. Eri flinches, but Kota didn't do anything. He just carefully takes the drink and slowly feeds it to eri as she gags once she finishes the drink.

Luckily she actually started feeling better after drinking it. "Try and get some sleep" Kota says and eri lays down trying to sleep. That day, was the last day Kota showed this much worry and care towards eri for a while. It was also the only time he helped her with her hangovers. From that moment on, Lauren tricked him into being more distant from eri... slowly but surely the two drifted apart and she was stuck with her new "friends"

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