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A month goes by, eri was doing so much better. However, thanks to Amelia constantly forcing her to do drugs she actually started to become addicted to them. Kota was currently helping eri with homework, of course eri was doing cocaine so her noise would start bleeding randomly. "Is there anything els-" Kota starts and eri stood up quickly holding her nose. "...again?" Kota mumbles a little worried.

Later that week, Lauren and her family was out of town. So Kota decided to spend some time with eri, of course this was extremely rare now. "Wanna make a pillow fort? I don't really got a lotta things anymore but I should still have the stuffies" Kota says, he really didn't know how fucked up eri was. "Hm? Um...okay yeah I guess we can...but aren't pillow forts for little kids?" Eri says, Kota looks at her shocked. "Right...I mean they're still fun to make ya know?" Kota says trying to get eri into a playful mood. He hasn't hung out with her in awhile, he honestly did miss her energetic nature. Eri stares at him, she really thought she could just relax and finally let herself be herself. However, when she realized Kota just wanted her to be playful and energetic like she used to she puts on a smile. "Hehe yeah" eri says putting on her normal everyday act.

"Heh, oh also I wanna ask you something" Kota says helping eri with the pillow fort. "Hm?" Eri looks at Kota before her attention falls back onto the fort. "You've been getting a lot of noise bleeds lately, you good?" Kota asks. Eri was shocked "mhm yea just injuries" she shrugged. Kota was curious and sighed, he helped her to build the pillow fort. Eri gently wasn't really interested in it like she usually was. "What's wrong?" Kota asks, "hm? Nothing it's just aren't we a little old for stuffies?" Eri asks looking at them. Kota was shocked, "I...what? You loved the stuffies..." He says shocked. Eri stares at the stuffies and thinks, "I still like stuffies but.... nevermind" she sighs helping him finish the pillow fort.

A few hours later eri was getting dressed in the bathroom. She looks through her bag, she was shaking and desperately needed a hit. She then sniffs some of the cocaine, she was in a rush so she didn't properly proportion it. And soon her high went into her realizing she overdosed. She felt so dizzy and tired, "f-fuck..." She trembles desperate she stumbled out of the bathroom. She falls on the floor her head spinning and her vision going dark. "Eri?!" Kota rushes over, "Kota....I kinda... overdosed...." Eri admitted, it was clear she didn't mean to and that she was scared. "Overdose? On wh-" Kota says and sees the white powder all over the bathroom "...." He quickly grabs something and inserted it into eri's nose. Eri inhaled whatever Kota have her and instantly came back from the brink of death.

Kota called an ambulance and just took care of eri. "What is that?" Kota asks, "c-cocaine..." "Where did you get it?" "A-amelia" eri says weakly. Kota just did his best to keep her awake until the ambulance got there. Kota held eri's hand as he followed her to the ambulance.

Once they got to the hospital, Kota was clearly worried and annoyed. He was texting Lauren while also keeping an eye on Eri. Kota looks at eri, "I need to step out for a bit. Don't do it?" Kota growls a little, eri nods.

By the time Kota got back he saw eri curled up trying to sleep. "Can we get two more blankets please?" Kota asks the nurse who nods. "I hate the freaking hospital.." eri admitted "yeah? Unfortunately we do have to stay here for awhile... And tomorrow if they don't send you tonight...I want to take you to rehab... don't worry about Amelia...I'm talking to Lauren and seeing about doing something to keep her away from you." Kota sighs, "but the commission-" "fuck them. Eri look around you.... you're in the hospital which we had to bring you back from the dead... BECAUSE of her..." Kota says and sighs. "Just... focus on getting better..." He says sitting in the chair beside eri's bed.

Once the nurse brought the blankets Kota took them and covers eri with them. "There" he sighs. "Sir? May we ask you some questions?" The doctor asks, coming back from running tests. Kota nods and steps into the hall. Of course they found all the injuries she acquired from the commission and some of her missions that she just couldn't heal. Leaving scars or just clear sighs of trauma to the part of her body. They asked Kota where all those injuries came from, but he didn't even know she had the injuries. "Ah we it okay if we ask her?" The doctor asks, "sure" he shrugged. He'd be lying if he said he didn't wanna know where all those Injuries came from.

They both went back inside, eri was trying to get some sleep. "Heya eri? The doctor wants to ask you some questions...okay? Then you can go back to sleep" Kota says gently rubbing eri's back, he brushes hair out of her face as she groans and looks at him. "Mrs. Eri, can you explain to us all the damage to your inner thigh, your organs, and the scars we found on you-" "missions. Training. Well mostly missions the inner thigh was because my team forced me to do a split and and over split before my body was really ready for that" eri says coldly and more annoyed. Kota seemed worried and annoyed, "missions? Training?...the fuck are they making you-" "they don't force me, they tell me what they want done and I do it. Who cares what happens to me? If I die it's nothing special they can just replace me" eri shrugged.

Kota grabs eri's face, gently yet aggressively. "The fuck did you just say?" Kota growls, "the truth. No hero actually matters, sure we all fight to survive and when we die people may be upset. But in the end we're all replaceable" eri says bluntly. "Who the hell told you that bullshit? That you don't matter because you're replaceable?" Kota asks pissed off, "no one just realized it after watching heroes die" eri says Kota glares at her. "You're not fucking replaceable. Got that?" Kota says looking eri in the eyes. Eri stares at him and looks away, Kota gently forces her to look at him. "You are NOT replaceable. Say it." Kota says, eri just stares at him. "Say it. You're not replaceable." Kota says more sternly. Eri sighs "I'm not replaceable" "again." "I'm not replaceable" eri says, annoyed but still doing it for Kota.

This went on for almost an hour. Eri said that she wasn't replaceable so many times out loud that she was actually starting to believe it. Which was exactly what Kota wanted. "Never tell yourself anything like that again. Got it? You're not replaceable and you never will be." Kota says bluntly, the nurse then comes in. "We're ready to take you to rehab now" the nurse says. With that Kota came with her when they transitioned her to a rehab center. Kota hugged eri and reassured her that he'd handle everything while she was in rehab.

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