Fallen angel

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Three weeks went by, eri and Yoki had managed to find the villain. They were currently getting ready to act on the last step on their mission. "You're amazing at this angel" Yoki says, eri did an amazing job at being a spy and gathering information. Yoki was honestly amazed, after all this was her first time doing any of this yet she still got everything they needed within three weeks.

"Of course, I'm just so ready to go home and finally live the life I've always wanted!" Eri says enthusiastically. Yoki laughs and hugs eri tightly, "we're gonna be amazing heroes" he says kissing the back of eri's hand. "And I mean it when I say that someday I promise to marry you and start a family with you, if you'll have me that is mi amor~" Yoki says, eri always got so flustered when he spoke to her in Spanish and he knew it. "I-i um....yes....of course!" Eri says turning away blushing. Yoki gently makes eri face him, "aw don't hide your beautiful blush" Yoki kisses eri on the nose. Eri blushes more and pushes him away, "okay okay lover boy I get it...I love you too okay?" She says. Yoki just chuckled and pulls eri closer to him, "once we're done with this everyone will know just how much I love you" Yoki says before nuzzling into eri's neck getting her to giggle.

"Okay okay, let's get started!" She says going to the door. "I'll start evacuations" eri says proudly, "and I'll start with the villain and once that's done we'll finish off the villain together" Yoki says and they both do their little handshake. "Then when we get the all clear we'll spend the rest of our lives together future eri Todoroki" Yoki says, causing eri to blush. " hehe, yea future eri Todoroki!" Eri says, she looks at Yoki clearly head over heels in love with the male. She then hugs Yoki one last time before going to start evacuations.

Eri soon got everyone out of the school and somewhere safe and finally goes to help Yoki. She saw someone laughing as they locked the door to the room Yoki was in. "sir you need to get somewhere saf-" eri starts, suddenly her heart drops as she hears a loud scream of agony come from the room. The male also fell silent, eri starts to try and breakdown the door. It took her 15 minutes but she finally did it. "YOK-" eri starts, her eyes widen as she sees all the blood and Yoki's dying body slowly being absorbed into the villain. "YOKI!" Eri calls out as she quickly goes to try and save him. "Angel...." Yoki says weakly, "please.... don't....cry....I wanna see...your smile..." Yoki says, eri had tears running down her face. Her heart completely shattered, she was wondering why the person she loved had to die while she was forced to watch.

Despite the pain eri put on a smile, "o-okay..." Eri says her voice shaking. "Pretty... angel....never stop...smil..ing...." Yoki says, and just like that he died and was soon fully gone as the villain absorbed his body quickly. Eri's smile drops as her sorrow turns to hatred, she glares at the villain. "Burn in hell you son of a bitch." Eri growls, her whole world just shattered and as much as she needed to scream and cry and mourn the loss of the person she was so excited to date, first she needed to make sure no one else died.

Eri blacked out from the rage and it was all a huge blur, but when she came to the villain was all bloody. She was covered in blood, bruised, cuts, and had broken ribs. Yet she didn't care, she starts at the villain before finally Falling to her knees sobbing. She then let's out the most heartbreaking scream of agony as she finally had to come to terms than she just watched the love of her life die and he wasn't coming back. At that moment, eri didn't realize it but she would never be the same again after experiencing that type of pain and trauma.

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