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Lauren was waiting for Kota at the bus stop. "Ugh what the fuck is taking his ass so long?" Lauren growls annoyed. She waits awhile longer, she didn't know it but she got so used to Kota protecting her that she actually let her guard slip completely...just like eri used to do. She didn't even notice the car pulling up next to her. suddenly the person jumps out trying to grab Lauren.

Luckily eri was actually in the right place at the right time. Just trying to go to the store for something. Eri quickly grabs the villain and breaks their arm. "OMG! What game are you two playing?! I wanna join!" Eri says smiling innocently. Lauren was in shock and glares at Eri. "This isn't a fucking game! They just tried kidn-" "oh it's not a game? Oh! I know it must be a dance party!" Eri giggles, Lauren genuinely got annoyed with the girl thinking she was just so dense. Really, eri was just trying to act cute, innocent, and childish...after all she really didn't wanna piss off the commission again.

"ARE YOU DENSE?!" Lauren screams in eri's face. Eri carefully glares at Lauren, after all she knew Lauren screaming at her would only make Lauren look like an asshole. "Are you ups-" eri starts as she goes pale, she went to turn away but it was already too late. Before eri knew it she blacked out.

By the time eri woke up she groans. She could hear someone crying. "What ha-" eri starts realizing she was chained to the wall. It took her a bit but soon her eyes adjusted to the dark. "You okay?" Eri asks Lauren seeing her in the corner. "No! I'm not okay! I just got kidnapped with someone who is so dense they didn't eve-" "dense? You're the one whose dense sweetie." Eri says annoyed looking around. "Sure! Says the one who thought kidnapping was some game!" "Hm? What?" Eri was genuinely confused. "Aw wait, you thought you were important enough for me to drop my little act just so I could save your ass? Ha! Don't make me laugh. Only my team and Kota are that important" "Kota is my boyfriend!" Lauren growls, "and? He's my childhood friend." "Not for long! I swear when we get out of here I'll make sure he never speaks to you again!"

"Aw you trust me to get ya outta here, I'm flattered" eri giggles, "who said I trusted you?! Kota will-" "what? Call the cops and hope for the best? Nah if anything the commission will come way before anyone." "Commission this, commission that. Grow the fuck up! Not everything is about you" "trust me I know that, I'm very much replaceable." Eri says, "you're not chained up...." Eri says looking at Lauren, "look around the room. See if you can find anything for me to get this damn chain off." Lauren seemed shocked. "Replaceable? Pfft I wish! Kota would-" "forget about me easily. He doesn't need me or care much for me." Eri says "now look around" eri says, her voice sounded so...dull. Lauren would be lying if she said it wasn't offsetting. "That's not true you know that right." Lauren says looking away, "as much as I hate it, he still cares about you" "maybe enough to not let me die" eri says, "more than that. Sure I'm his number one priority, but that never stops him from also taking breaks to make sure you're okay. Hell he has a whole stash of money saved for you, should you ever decide not to be a hero and do something else he'll support you financially so you wouldn't have to struggle. He even has one of his friends have someone watch over you...uh Yoki I think his name was-" "Yoki's dead." Eri says, sure hearing the males name broke her but she didn't show it. "Wait wha-" "now look around, I can't do jack shit when I'm chained up. So if you wanna get outta here alive I need to get myself free."

"Whatever, you just wanna save yourself" "I said if YOU wanna get outta here alive. I didn't say anything about me... honestly, if I get outta this alive that's just luck" eri shrugs, it was clear that she had no regards for her own life. That creeped Lauren out more than anything. She thought eri was still a bubbly girl who had it all and just loved everyone and everything, but seeing eri's clear that she's no longer the same and she never will be the same again. "God, if I let Kota stay a week with you will you stop being so fucking depressed?!" "Depressed? I'm not-" eri starts and Lauren hands her a rock. "Will this do?" "...yeah, uh you might wanna turn around and cover your ears while I do this" eri says, Lauren was confused. "I'm not a baby! Just free yourself!" Lauren growls, "alright well remember you can always look away when you need to." Eri says, she takes the rock. She then rips off her sleeve shoving it in her mouth to muffle herself. Lauren was confused but before she could say anything eri hit her hand hard with the rock. All Lauren could hear was the sound of her hand breaking and the blood. "Oh my-" Lauren gags, the sound of each crack as eri's bones broke was forever engraved in her mind.

Eri of course was letting out screams and cries of pain as she broke her own hand. Once her hand was completely shattered she was able to slip it out of the chain easily. Eri felt so dizzy and light headed from the pain. "Are you crazy?! How could you just-" Lauren starts, she kneels next to eri realizing the girl was about to pass out. "Eri?...please don't...I'm scared..." Lauren says, eri weakly grabs onto Lauren hold onto her before passing out. "Eri?! Eri! Please wake up!" Lauren tears up, no words could describe how scared she was. Eri was her only source of comfort right now and she was out cold.

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