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A few months later, eri was staying over at Amelia's. Her and Ace barely just started dating but it was already clear that it was mainly for show. "Hey babe!" Ace calls, "yes Hun?" Eri says sweetly. "Can you make me a sandwich?" Ace says uncaring, "mmm...but I don't know how to cook" eri pouts, she knew she had to keep her cutesy act up since Lauren and Kota were around. "Bitch did I ask-" ace starts and Kota slams a sandwich into his chest. "Your hands work just fine dumbass. Make your own fucking food" Kota growls, ace glares at him as the sandwich was completely smashed and ruined his shirt. "Why? She belongs in the damn kit-" Ace starts and Kota kicks ace in the dick and glares.

Kota turns to see if eri was okay. For a split moment he could tell eri didn't like ace and was annoyed with how he treated her. Yet the moment eri realized Kota was looking at her, which took a split second, her act went back up. "Kota-kun! You shouldn't hurt people! Especially when they're making such a simple request!" Eri whines. Kota stares at her and rolls his eyes. "Yeah, when you actually mean that and aren't just putting on a fucking act then maybe I'll actually listen to that shit." "How did you-" eri starts and shakes her head. She let her act slip, she knew that Kota wouldn't say anything but her heart sank. After all, Amelia was a huge snitch. "What's wrong?" Kota asks, he noticed eri go pale and her eyes wide with fear. "I-" eri smiles, clearly trembling but trying to act all innocent and adorable. "Nothing, it's just I shouldn't have expressed my displeasure like that just now...I do apologize" eri bows.

Kota stares at eri, he then flicks her on the head. "You're little act is starting to piss me off. So I'll ask again, what they fuck is wrong with you." Kota growls. "And I swear If you lie again I'm gonna beat all these jackasses, or you tell me and I beat only one jackass, your choice" Kota growls. Eri squeaks, she goes to say sometimes and eyes Amelia and stops herself and she looks down. "Nothings wrong..." Eri says, Amelia glares at eri. Unfortunately, Kota knew how to read eri's thoughts and emotions by just her body language. "You're fucking lucky I don't hit women." Kota growls glaring at Amelia, he then slams her against a wall. "But let's get one thing fucking clear, if you ever so much as look at eri from this point on I might just have to make an exception for your ass."

"Kota stop!" Eri says, Kota growls and lets Amelia go. After all, he could tell from eri's voice she wasn't pretending. She was genuinely scared and hated seeing someone get hurt. "Are you oka-" eri starts and Amelia slapped eri so hard causing eri to fall. Sure eri healed it quickly so it barely even hurt. "..." Eri looks up, for the first time hoping Lauren would take Kota's attention. Unfortunately Lauren went to take a nap so eri had all Kota's attention. "" Eri whispers trying to warn Amelia.

Unfortunately it was too late, Kota growls and helped eri up. "Kota-" she starts and Kota uses eri's hand to slap Amelia back. After all, he didn't wanna hit women but eri hitting them was fair game. Kota didn't hold back and add his strength into the slap. Of course he presses on eri's hand. Of course causing her hand to heal quickly so she once again she didn't even feel much pain. Meanwhile, Amelia fell down in pain. "YOU FUCKING PR-" "I fucking dare you to lay a hand on eri again. Next time being a girl won't save your ass." Kota growls, eri was genuinely worried now. "Kota please... you're scaring her..." Eri says, "good." Kota says turning back to eri. "Now. What the fuck is wrong? Don't worry if she knows what's best for her she won't do shit" Kota says approaching eri.

Eri was nervous and takes a deep breath. "The commission made me swear-" "the commissions not here." "They'll find out..." Eri says, "so? They can't do shi-" "They'll fucking punish me and the punishments keep getting worse!" Eri whispers as if trying to keep someone from hearing. "Eri. Enough. If you say anything else I'll report you myself-" ace starts and Kota punches ace so fucking hard he knocked the fucker out. "Kota!" Eri yells crossing her arms. "You're not fucking doing this shit anymore eri." "Yes I am! I-" "Eri. I fucking mean it! Look at you! You're fucking trembling! And I'm not gonna be a hero anymore so I can't be there to protect you!" Kota yells, eri froze and snapped. "protect me?! You're never even there for me! You're too busy with that fucking gold digger to even pay attention to anything else! You think for even a second I need your protection?! News flash I haven't fucking needed you for almost two years! So stop treating me like a god damn baby!" Eri shoots back.

"IF YOU'RE NOT A FUCKING BABY THEN ACT LIKE IT ERI!" Kota yells, "YOU CAN'T COOK! YOU CAN'T DRIVE! YOU CAN'T EVEN FUCKING TELL WHEN SOMETHINGS NOT GOOD FOR YOU! HELL YOU CONSTANTLY NEED TO ASK ME FOR MONEY BECAUSE YOU CAN'T EVEN GET A DAMN JOB!" Kota yells. "Besides, my girlfriend is way more important than you'll ever fucking be. So stop being so fucking SELFISH and understand that." Kota says, he didn't even mean much by it. But the moment Kota called eri selfish she looked down and Luna growls at Kota. Kota didn't understand that eri was constantly being told she was selfish and self-centered when she spoke her mind. Or did anything the commission didn't approve of. Eri glares at Kota and just softly says "you don't know what I've been fuck you..."

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