First mission

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Eri was in the middle of class, this was the only class she had with just Kota. So they were both just sharing notes and helping each other catch up and study. "Oh, do you have Thursday's notes from last week?" Eri asks. "Yea" Kota hands over his note book so eri could copy down his notes. Once the bell rang Kota packs up and goes to meet up with Lauren, eri was just waiting for the crowd to die down before leaving. "Eri you're needed in the office" the teacher says, "oh okay!" Eri smiles, she then leaves for the office, struggling to push through the crowd of people but soon enough she made it.

"Eri!" Yoki calls out hugging the girl. Eri smiles hugging him back. Everyone in the whole school knew yoki and eri were extremely close, hell they were the only competitors for Kota and Lauren for the school's power couple. Of course They were only flirting right now. But Yoki definitely had plans to ask eri to be his girlfriend by the end of the week. "So, what's this all about?" Eri asks holding Yoki's hand looking at the commission leader. "There's a mission we need you two to go on. There are reports of people missing at a boarding school 6 hours from here, all we need you and Mr. Todoroki to do is find the person responsible and take him down. Now I know both of you are new to your hero training so I don't expect you to do it alone, but I do expect you to try if you need backup we'll send it. But you mustn't call for backup unless you're on the brink of death got it?" The commission leader says coldly.

"Yes ma'am!" Eri and Yoki nod understanding their orders. Both were so ready to prove to the commission just how useful they could be. Eri finally had a chance to prove herself and help people, she was so excited to do this with the person she loved deeply. "When do we leave?" Eri asks, "your driver will be here soon so no need to grab food. There'll be plenty of food on the way" eri nods and giggles as Yoki wraps his arms around eri and kisses her on the neck. "My fierce girl" Yoki says causing eri to blush, she looked at the male with so much love in her eyes. "Of course! Who else will protect ya when we're older?" Eri giggles and Yoki smiles. "That's my job, you're job is to just be happy you can do that for me right Angel?"

Eri blushes and gives him the biggest smile ever. "Of course I can!" She says Yoki kisses her on the forehead. They eventually made their way into the car, Yoki held the door open and helped eri into the car before getting in himself. Throughout the whole ride eri went on happily about how her day was and how she was a little nervous about the mission.

"Angel don't be nervous okay? We're gonna do amazing, and tell ya what after this mission I'll take your first kiss and make you my girlfriend yea?" Yoki smiles and eri blushes flustered, "o-okay" she smiles as her Nerves ease. As promised they stopped for food and they both got plenty to eat. Eri ends up falling asleep as she rests her head on Yoki's shoulder. The male held her while she slept peacefully. Once they got there Yoki gently wakes eri. "Angel time to wake up" Yoki says rubbing eri's head. Eri yawns and sits up looking at the school.

"Mmm..." Eri suddenly lost all her confidence and seemed so scared. "Don't worry angel, you're one of the strongest people I know okay? Just in and out and then we'll spend the rest of our lives together not to mention the lives we'll be saving after this~" Yoki says making eri look at him. Eri nods, "we'll beat them... together" eri says holding out her pinky, "together." Yoki says, he then wraps his pinky around hers as they promised to come out of this mission alive and together.

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