Kidnapped pt 2

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Eri soon woke up and holds her hand healing it. "Eri!" Lauren perks up clearly feeling better now that eri woke up. "Sorry 'bout that never had to break my hand before" eri admitted. Once she was healed she stood up. "How can you apologize for that?? You literally just broke your hand! Who wouldn't expect you to black out?!" Lauren says shocked. "the commission. Besides I managed to stay awake after doing wayyyy worse to myself for missions...the. Again I didn't have as much adrenaline running through me" eri says looking around the room. "What's your quirk?" Eri asks, "um... Statue...I can make anyone freeze up" eri thinks, "hm that could be useful. I'll allow you to use your quick okay? I'll take the fall, we just need to use whatever we can right now."

"Eri why would you hurt yourself? Doesn't your boyfriend get-" "I don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend." Eri shrugged, "then who are you doing it with? I mean whoever it is clearly-" eri gave Lauren a confused look. "You know...the person who was your first time?" Lauren says, "I um...I never did THAT...never had my first time either?" Eri says more confused. "Then why were you screaming 'please stop it hurts' and 'i can't take anymore'"? Lauren asks, "easy they were trying to make me flexible as fast as possible so they kept forcing me to do splits, back beds, anything.... obviously my body was ready for that so the pain was unimaginable...hell I couldn't walk for a month after that and they almost broke my spine...but I'm flexible as hell now so it worked out." Eri says finding some hay. "If you're tired you can lay down here, it's not much but definitely better than this stone floor" eri says, Lauren was hesitant but lays on the hay. "Ugh.. this is so itchy and it's so cold" Lauren whines, "unfortunately we don't get much....but by now the commission should be looking for us--" "Kota would've started looking for me the moment I wasn't at the damn bus stop" "yeah? He doesn't have a whole lotta resources though... though by now they should know that Both of us went missing" eri says, she finds a toilet and some toilet paper.

~mean while~

Kota was panicking, he hadn't heard from Lauren all day. He of course reported her missing the moment he realized no one has seen her all day. He then goes over to eri's house, he honestly just wanted to make sure she was safe too...he didn't wanna lose Lauren and eri both. "Oh heya Kota, is eri with ya?" Mic asks, that simple question made Kota's heart drop. "No...I haven't seen her all day I was just about to ask to see her..." Kota says trembling, "told ya he wouldn't know where she was" Luna says. "Didn't she say she was gonna go to the store like 8 hours ago?" Jack asks. Kota realized eri was missing too and he was trembling and couldn't stop himself from crying. It was one thing to lose one of the two...but losing both? That just absolutely broke him.

"Do you wanna come inside?" Mic offers, once Kota was inside he went straight to eri's room. Just hoping that she would be there. He sat on eri's bed as he broke down, "Mr. Izumi you gotta have more faith in my sister." Shinso says, "she's grown quite a bit. She's stronger than you would ever know" shinso says and Kota looks at him, "she is...but she's so kind and so scared of herself..." Kota says, "the commission changed a lotta that...sure she's kind and isn't very confident in making decisions... she's damn well strong enough to not die" shinso says sitting best to Kota. "The commission will find her soon enough, they always told eri that no matter where she was or where she ran off too they'll always find her." Shinso says, "don't get me wrong I fucking hate how they treat her but eri won't let me step in." Shinso growled, Kota was confused. "What do you-" "they nearly broke her spine once and I don't know what they did but she constantly has concussions, couldn't walk for a month due to severe damage to her muscles and more yet she won't tell us anything."

Kota growls and it could tell he was pissed. "We need to find her before they do!" Kota says jolting up. "As much as I love the idea, we don't even know where to start looking. We have zero leads. The only people who know what happened are missing, and we don't even know if Laurens is alive" "how did you-" "the police found out her case sounded a lot like eri's so they gave us heroes the case." "Ugh, okay whatever. Eri or Lauren were bound to leave something behind... wait what store was eri going to?" "The grocery store is not too far from your place" Kota thinks, "Kota just let the commission handle things. I know you don't like the idea no one does but if we just need to trust them. Eri will come back alive and so will Lauren.... besides Lauren has eri-"

"I mean this kindly, eri wouldn't hurt a fly...hell she apologized and cried for hours because she stepped on a leaf.... knowing eri is with Lauren doesn't ease my mind at all...I mean Lauren is strong and eri is too...but eri is too pure to understand her strength and Lauren, while I love her...her ego is too huge to understand that not everything is about her" Kota sighs, "God you really don't know eri anymore do you?" "What do you mean?" "Eri is FAR from pure...sure at some point that was true but it's not now...eris... changed"

✨ Back to eri and Lauren ✨

Eri was keeping watch while Lauren took a nap. Once Lauren woke up she looked at eri. "We're still here..." Lauren says sounding scared, "not for long, I'm honestly starting to lose my patience" eri says. "Not to mention how hungry I am, so if they don't find us soon imma just take this shit into my own hands." Eri says annoyed, "why haven't you done that yet?!" "Easy, I kinda wanted to live but if the only chance of freedom means I need to risk my life I'll do it" "oh second thought let's wait...." Lauren says, scared to see how Kota would react should eri die. "Fuck that I'm starving" eri growls. She stands up, "my hand's fully healed and I wanna go eat something and grab some food for my gold fish. So let's get the fuck outta here"

"You have gold fish?!" "Hm? Yea? I named them pumpkin and peppermint" eri admitted, those two fish were her entire world and she absolutely adored them. It was honestly shocking knowing that someone so traumatized and full of hatred for villains had such a soft side when it came to her two gold fish.

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