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Just one more hour, Anita..One more hour and you can get away from her stare. Anita thought as she continued to walk around the classroom. After everyone turned in their index cards, Anita decided to allow everyone to free write after going over the syllabus. She wanted to know where their minds were before starting the first lesson of the course. So she told them to write a short story about everything that was on their mind as an activity to allow them to become more comfortable.

Angel kept staring, that same smirk stuck on her face as she watched Anita prance around the classroom. Anita chose to identify Angel as a female. It was less intimidating and made her feel more superior even though the student's stare made her feel more than less than. Her mysterious physique and exterior didn't help at all. She kept licking her lips, her eyes following the professors every move.

"Did everyone finish their writing? If so, you can bring it up and you're allowed to leave." Anita breathed, trying her best to keep her stare neutral as her eyes jumped around to every single student except for Angel. Angel noticed, and it made her chuckle under her breath.

Falling apart right in front of me. You're not as strong as you think.

Most of the students stood, handing their short stories to Anita and walking out of the classroom. Anita watched as the last three students, including Angel, finished up their assignments. The first two students handed their professor their assignments before stepping out, Angel still staring at the professor as she tapped her pen against the paper.

"Seems like you stared more than you wrote. You have five minutes." Anita exclaimed harshly causing Angel to chuckle that same dark chuckle that made every hair on Anita's body stand up in fear.

Why am I so affected by this person?

"Was just admiring the view, is all. Is that a problem for you?" Angel asked as she stood, her large body intimidating Anita even more. She could tell the woman had a lot of muscle, and her height didn't help either.

"I find it very uncomfortable, actually. I rather you stare down at the floor than at me. I don't know who you think you are and why you're here, but if you're to continue taking my course I suggest you get your act together." Anita hissed, Angel letting out a laugh of faux shock as she toward over Anita as she touched her chest in faux hurt.

"Oh wow...you think I'm incapable of taking this little class? What makes you think that?" The woman's voice was deep and luring, mocking Anita as her eyes traveled up and down the professors body. Anita stood strong, although her stomach turned in knots as she glared up at her student who just chuckled.

"You're nothing but a troubled little girl. I can tell already." Anita spat, Angel's sinister grin widening as she let out an impressed hum, nodding her head.

"A troubled little girl, hm? I guess we'll see about that, professor. Have a goodnight." Angel chuckled as she slammed her paper down on the desk, entrapping Anita's body against it causing her to jump. She watched with wide, fearful eyes as Angel walked out of the classroom without a glance back, the professor letting out a long breath before shaking her head.

"What am I going to do with her?" She hissed before turning around and looking down at the paper that was surprisingly full with writing. Anita took a seat at her desk, the student's cursive so perfect that she couldn't help but blush at the first impression she received at her.

She read through the page, her eyes widening more and more as her heart raced faster and faster that she thought she was going to pass out. She couldn't help but let out a soft whimper as she continued to read the vivid description of the things that were going through Angel's mind, the knots in her stomach turning into butterflies.

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