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The professor tapped her fingers against the mahogany desk as she sipped her warm cup of coffee, the exhaustion taking over her sore body. She was drained, wanting nothing more than to lay in her bed with her black out curtains. It was the last day of class before the weekend and she couldn't wait to go home.

Her thoughts flooded back to the night of passion her and her student had together. A small smile filled her lips despite the annoyance she felt beforehand. She woke up to the feeling of soft hands rubbing against her body and soft kisses going down her back. She knew it wasn't Angel, but she still allowed herself to indulge in the young woman's pampering.

"Good morning, gorgeous. Let me take care of you, Master's request."

And she did, Bella massaging every inch of the professor's body including her pussy, making her orgasm from her soft touch yet again before giving the woman a warm bath and an outfit to wear to work.

It was a pair of black slacks and a tight black sweater that exposed her cleavage from under the button down it was sitting over. The button down was also black, matching the leather red bottom heels that sat on her small feet. Her hair was tied back in a loose ponytail, some pieces of her hair falling over her face that had a light set of makeup over it.

Anita hasn't seen the Dean throughout her day and it made her feel a sense of relief. She wanted nothing more than to stay as far away from him as possible, but little did she know she had other things to worry about.

It was her last class of the day, the evening sky falling dusk as she stared out of the window. The sun set early during the winter, but there was still a small shade of brightness in the now dark sky. She couldn't help but stare, the footsteps of her students filling the classroom along with scraping of chairs as they sat at their desks.

Anita looked from the window and around the classroom, her eyes stopping on the student who had soft bruising around their neck identical to her fingertips. The student smirked, their eyes roaming the professor's face causing to her to swallow hard.

"Please answer the prompt on the board and pass the papers up when you're done."

Interpret the last dream or nightmare that you've had.

The student smirked before grabbing their notebook and starting to answer the question at hand. The last dream they had was of the professor being tied to the wooden wheel that sat in the center of their red room, the hot wax dripping down her dark skin as she panted for mercy.

So they wrote just that, looking up at the professor to see her staring at the door with a panicked look on her face causing the student to avert their eyes to the door before clenching their fists.

There stood the Dean as he waved for Anita to come to the door. She looked at Angel before slowly standing up and walking to the door, making sure to keep it slightly ajar just in case she needed to get help. She felt threatened by the man's presence and Harrison saw it, filling him with immense regret.

"Anita..I wanted to apologize for my behavior last night. I was drinking before you got there and it just took over me. I'm sorry and I hope I could make it up to you." He apologized as he attempted to grab her hand, but she stepped back before smoothing down her sweater.

"Thank you for the apology, but I think it's best we keep a professional distance between us from now on. Drunk or not, it was not only extremely inappropriate, but also passing a boundary and shouldn't happen again. I'm your colleague. It's best if kept that way."

Dean Harrison nodded at her response, the sadness in his eyes not phasing her one bit. She didn't feel any remorse for the man, and was actually repulsed from his presence alone. She nodded curtly before stepping into the classroom and shutting the door, Angel looking up at her with a soft smirk indicating that they heard the entire conversation.

Good girl. You deserve a nice reward.

Anita sat at her desk for the rest of the class, her body too sore to do any sort of sudden movements. She allowed the class to have a free write for the remainder of the time, allowing them to pick their own prompts and to pass up the papers once they were finished.

It was now time to go home and Anita couldn't wait to be in her bed. Angel lingered in the classroom, watching as Anita packed up her things before slipping on her jacket and looking up at the student who just smirked.

"In a rush?" They asked as they walked toward her. Anita nodded, shooting the student an exhausted look causing Angel to pout slightly before smirking as they slowly touched the professor's chin.

"Any plans for the weekend, professor?" Angel asked.

"You wish. I'm tired so I'll be in my bed." Anita responded causing Angel to chuckle before humming in response.

"Someone wore you out, huh?"

"You would know."

"Mm. Well..have a goodnight then." Angel grinned before walking off causing Anita to let out a breath as her eyes roamed the student's back before licking her lips.

You too.

Anita sighed as she slipped on her pajamas, her aching body just calling for her bed. Once she got home, she ate a quick dinner before deciding to pamper herself. She took a hot bath, shaving her legs and exfoliating her body before washing off. She painted her toes and tied up her hair before moisturizing her body.

She fell into a blissful, dreamless sleep, not a care in the world as she gripped her pillow. She was under her large comforter, the a/c blaring and blocking out the noise of her front door opening in the middle of the night. The man stepped in, looking around the house before spotting the laptop that sat on the table.

He smirked, shaking his head as he opened it and searched for the video that synced into the woman's old Mac book at his home from her iCloud. He couldn't believe what he saw when he first saw it, the man keeping his ex-wife's old assets after the divorce and forgetting to clear them out.

He sniffed, rubbing his nose at the smell of the booze leaking from his own pores as he opened the woman's professional email. He wanted nothing more than for the woman to suffer the way he's been suffering. After the divorce, his mental health fell down the drain. The constant midnight calls and making love made him believe that she was going to take him back.

But the dismissal after the rough car sex in the school parking lot was the last straw that broke the camel's back. He was angry and wanted the woman to feel the pain she inflicted on him.

"Wanting to fuck your student huh? And you think no one will find out? Oh please. You just wait and fucking see."

The Neighbor (Re-addition) Woman x IntersexWhere stories live. Discover now