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Anita dropped the golf club with shaky hands before covering her mouth, the tears streaming down her face as she stared down at Monty's lifeless body before looking up at Angel and Bella who were just as shocked as she was.

"H-he..he was-"

"Sh. Sh. Let's just make sure he's still alive." Bella breathed as she slowly bent down and checked his pulse.


The look on Bella's face said it all and Anita let out a long breath as she gripped the edge of the table, the nausea turning in her stomach. Angel slowly walked toward her but she shook her head, the tears streaming down her face.

"Is he dead?" Anita whispered as she looked down at Monty. Bella slowly stood from the ground and looked at Angel before looking at Anita who started to hyperventilate.

"Anita, Anita..breathe." Bella whispered as she gripped Anita's hands as she started to panic, her chest rising up and down in a fast paced motion as the reality dawned on her.

She killed her ex-husband. He was dead and she didn't know what to do.

"Oh God, what am I going to do? What am I going to do? Do we call the police-"

"It was self-defense. It was self-defense. Does he have cameras?" Angel asked as they paced back and forth.

"I-I don't know. I don't know. We didn't live here before. He sold the house-"

"I'll check the rooms." Angel breathed before planting a soft kiss on Anita's forehead. Anita nodded slowly before looking at Bella and back at the lifeless body that bled on the floor.

"I need you to tell me what happened. From the beginning." Bella breathed as she caressed Anita's face. Anita's chin trembled and she swallowed hard as she stared into Bella's large brown eyes before letting out a breath.

"Angel and I made a video and um..Monty had access to my iCloud. He saw the video from my old laptop and he was blackmailing me. He came to my office and choked me and threatened me and called me names..said he was going to expose me if I didn't give him what he wanted."

"And what did he want?" Bella asked quietly.


"I think you guys should come and see this." Angel called from the bedroom. They both walked over, Anita gasping and covering her mouth.

"What the fuck?" She whispered as she looked around the room. There were pictures of her everywhere, her laptop and old phone open and showing her location. He had a copy of her journal plastered on the desk and it was open to the page of her writing about the first time her and Angel had sex.

"He was..stalking you."

"I don't think we should call the police." Bella whispered.

"What?! Why?!"

"Unless you can get rid of all of this before they come. The body will be cold by the time you're done. Boom, in jail for murder. If you call them now with all of this here, you'll lose your teaching license and still get arrested because this is intent. They could think you were trying to cover yourself from getting caught."

"Shit. So what the fuck do we do, now?" Anita hissed.

"I don't know..fuck..he knew everything. He has every single text message. Everything."

"I think I should turn myself in." She sniffed as she looked between Angel and Bella who shook their heads rapidly.

"No..no. You didn't do anything wrong, but they'll think otherwise, Anita. Does he have anyone that will notice he's missing?"

"No. His parents are dead he was the only child. He's unemployed because of his drinking." Anita sniffed. Angel sighed and ran a hand through their dreads before looking at the woman who stared down at her feet.

"I don't think I can live like this. I killed him-"

"Anita. You were defending yourself. It was either you do it or he does it to you. If you want to call the police, go ahead. But understand what's at stake here." Angel hissed.

"My teaching license isn't as important as me taking a life, Angel. He's dead because of me."

"Anita..Anita sweetheart I know you're distraught and confused. But think about it. You call the police and you get your license revoked. Do you have anything to fall back on?" Bella asked. Anita shook her head at the sad realization, knowing that her trust fund would eventually run out if she were to be jobless. No one would hire her if they knew what she's done.

Shit. Shit shit shit.

"So I need you to calm down. We will help you, but you have to think rationally here, okay? There's nothing we can do about it. He's dead. It happened. Now we have to figure out what to do. Okay?" Bella asked. Anita nodded as she tried to hold it together before looking at Angel was already scrolling through their phone.

"Angel.." Anita sniffed. Angel looked up and saw the woman staring at them with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry. I was just scared-"

"It's okay. Don't worry. I just want both of you to be okay. Bella..are you okay?" Angel asked as they looked over at the young woman who nodded slowly.

"Don't worry about me. Did you find his number?"

"Who?" Anita asked.

"Don't worry. I said we got you, right?" Bella responded. Anita nodded and swallowed hard before leaning against the wall. She was trying to calm down but she couldn't, the image of him dead on the ground haunting her.

She wasn't sure if she could live with herself. Not with this.

"I know someone who can help. But you stay quiet. Don't say a word. Don't even tell them your name. Okay?" Angel asked as they walked over to Anita. She nodded before looking at Bella who forced a smile. The situation was bringing back memories that she pushed into the back of her mind, her hand unintentionally grazing against her lower back at the permanent scar that marked her skin.

"Men like that deserve to die, anyway. Now let's fix this mess and go home. You're staying with me."

The Neighbor (Re-addition) Woman x IntersexWhere stories live. Discover now