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"Monty..I don't know why you're avoiding me but we need to talk about the baby. I can't do this alone and I know I pushed you away because I found out about your wife, but..we were planning a family. I'm almost due and your daughter needs her father." The woman whispered into the phone before sighing and hanging up. It's been almost two weeks since she's heard from the man who begged for her forgiveness.

Her and Monty were together for three years before she found out about his wife. She found the signed divorce papers in his desk drawer as she looked for more business cards to place at the receptionist desk. She was completely heart broken considering she didn't have a clue he was married the entire time they were together.

All the times Anita came to the office he claimed that she was some woman that was obsessed with him. He didn't have not one photo of her in his office so of course she believed him. They both weren't the one for pillow talk so no one in the office knew they were having an affair.

When she confronted him about the divorce papers, he explained everything to her and told her that he didn't love the woman that slept in his bed every night. The divorce was being finalized but she didn't believe him and pushed him away.

Then she found out she was pregnant, telling Monty that he wouldn't be in the baby's life considering he was nothing but a liar. It broke the man to pieces, triggering his drinking even more until one day he came to work drunk and begged for her forgiveness in front of everyone which led to his termination.

She gave it some thought, the growing child in her stomach being collateral for forgiving the man that she knew she loved deep inside. She wanted nothing more than for her daughter to have a family. But every-time she called, it went straight to voicemail. She'd spend minutes banging on his door but no answer which wasn't like him. His car was in the driveway and all the lights were on, but she didn't hear one sound come from the apartment.

Nyra sighed before looking over at her phone, tapping her pen nervously onto the desk before grabbing it and walking out of the office and to her car. She typed in the college campus into the gps and drove off, hoping and praying that the professor would have an answer for her about Monty's whereabouts.

The professor sipped her coffee, moaning at the taste of the homemade espresso that the student had made for her before her departure to work as she got ready for her classes. The last week living with both Angel and Bella was an adjustment for her, but it was better than being alone with her thoughts haunting her.

She's been having nightmares about the night she killed Monty, waking up in tears to Bella and Angel trying to console her as she tried to remember where she was. Her therapist diagnosed her with PTSD, prescribing her anxiety medications that kept her calm for the moment. The professor looked through her lesson plan for the day when a subtle knock on her office door released her from her thoughts.

"Come in." She called out without looking up, Nyra slowly walking in and shutting the door before standing in front of the professor's desk. Anita slowly looked up, her blood going cold as the face that she hasn't seen in a year filled her vision. Her eyes dropped to the woman's stomach and she swallowed hard before looking back up to the woman's face that fidgeted uncomfortably.

"H-hi. I'm not sure if you remember me-"

"I do." Anita breathed shakily as she tried her best to keep her composure. She was under the impression that the woman had an abortion, or wanted nothing to do with the man that haunted her every night.

Or so she thought.

"I'm sorry to come to you about this. But..as a woman I'm sure you understand why I would come and ask. Monty's missing and well..it's unlike him to not check in with me. I didn't want to come but I had no other option and wanted to know if you knew where he was. It's been almost two weeks."

Anita stared at the woman with an expressionless face as she screamed in her head, the anxiety taking over as she squeezed her pen under the desk as of her life depended on it. Her heart was racing in her chest as she stared up at the woman who stared back with tears in her eyes.

"I haven't heard from or seen him." Anita stated, the pen piercing into the palm of her hand but she didn't flinch as she tried her best to keep her composure.

"Oh.." The woman breathed, swallowing hard as they abruptly looked away from Anita who was nearly trembling like a volcano that was about to erupt. Anita continued to stare, her eyes slowly moving toward the woman's large stomach.

"How far long?"

"Six months. I know I'm big."

"Mm. Congratulations." Anita breathed as she swallowed back the tears that threatened to fall. The woman had everything she ever wanted and it killed her inside to know that she took away someone's father.

No matter how deserving it was.

"I'll just get out of your way. Thank you for your help."

"No worries. I hope he pops up soon."

"Yeah. I don't want to call the police yet. So I'll give it about a week or so. Thank you, Anita."

Police..she's going to call the police. Don't panic, there's no evidence. Don't panic.

"I'm..panicking.." Anita wheezed once the door closed, grabbing her phone and immediately dialing Angel's number as the tears streamed down her face. She ripped the pen from the palm of her hand and hissed before wrapping paper towel around her hand to stop the bleeding.


"We have a problem. A big one."

The Neighbor (Re-addition) Woman x IntersexWhere stories live. Discover now