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The professor bounced her leg nervously as she waited for her last class to walk in, tightening the scarf around her throat. She was terrified, crying her eyes out as soon as Monty left the office. She was afraid to tell anyone, not one person overhearing the encounter.

She couldn't text about it considering he was watching her phones every move. She was extremely upset with herself for not fighting harder for her assets. He did buy them for her, but they were hers.

And now he knows everything and was blackmailing her for it.

The classroom started to fill and Anita kept her eyes averted to the ground to avoid the student as they walked in behind everyone else, taking a seat at their usual spot in the back of the classroom. They smirked, but it slowly fell as they watched the flustered woman stare at the ground with worry as she played with the scarf around her neck.

Somethings wrong.

"Today will be a free-write. Once you're done you're allowed to leave and I'll see you tomorrow." Some students didn't waste any time, writing small paragraphs before handing them in and leaving within the first fifteen minutes. Anita didn't care, hoping and praying she could leave before Monty came to pick her up. She felt small. Smaller than she's ever felt before.

Angel stared at the professor the entire time as they tried to figure her out. Not once did Anita look up from her desk, her eyes jumping from one thing to the next and completely avoiding the student. Their thoughts turned as they tried to figure out what happened.

The Dean? Did he do something? No. That pussy wouldn't dare do anything after the other night. Fuck..was it me? Did I cross a line?

I couldn't have. Was it Bella? Couldn't be..sweet Bella wouldn't do a thing without guilt tripping herself in the process. What the fuck happened? And why does she have that scarf on when she's practically sweating?

"Professor." Angel stated loudly causing her to jump so intensely that her coffee spilled onto the desk, but she caught it fast enough before it could make a huge mess.

"Yes?" Anita asked shakily, still avoiding the students intense stare as she dabbed the desk with a napkin with shaky hands.

"Can you come for a second? I need your help."

"What could you possibly need help with during a free-write, Angel?" Anita hissed causing the student to be taken aback by her sudden aggression. The other students didn't question it, asking themselves the same question as they looked between the professor and the student who suddenly felt embarrassed by her scolding.

What the fuck?

"You're right. Sorry for asking." Angel responded harshly causing Anita to swallow hard as she tried her best to not look up.

But she failed, her watery eyes slowly meeting Angel's angry glare that suddenly turned soft as they saw the intense emotions in the professor's. Anita stared at Angel for a second, before looking away when her phone chimed.

Came a little early. Trying to make sure you don't try and escape. I'll be waiting.

"Fuck." Anita hissed quietly before letting out a shaky breath and sniffing.

"I'll be right back. Just finish your free writes please." Anita stated before standing up and scurrying out of the room and straight into the bathroom. She dropped to her knees and retched into the toilet, the anxiety ripping her to pieces as she emptied her stomach into the porcelain bowl.

She sobbed lowly as she wiped her face, the tears that she fought so hard to hold back slipping down her face as she tried her best to calm down. He never went to the extremes of putting his hands on her before, but after today she didn't know what he was capable of.

She felt weak. Useless.

Angel tapped their fingers nervously against their desk as their eyes darted from the door and back to the professor's empty desk. She's been out of the room for a little while and it concerned the student. They couldn't resist much longer, standing up and walking out of the room, pushing the bathroom door open when they heard soft sniffling come from the last stall.

"Anita?" Angel asked softly causing her to gasp and stand from the ground, wiping her face abruptly before flushing the toilet.

"Yes, Angel?" Anita asked with a strong voice causing Angel to flutter their eyes and suddenly grow angry.

"Did I do something to you?" Angel asked harshly causing Anita to scoff before opening the stall door to see the student standing in front of it. Anita's face was puffy, her eyes blood shot from crying and it caused Angel to grow even more concerned.

"Please leave me alone. I beg you. Just go." Anita hissed causing Angel to scoff.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what the hell-"

"I can't. I can't tell you. Just- this? It has to end. I'm sorry, but it has to end." Anita hissed as she glared up at Angel who just snarled down at the professor.

"Anita..what happened-"

"Angel. Please. Just go."

"Are you pregnant?"

Anita scoffed at the question, the tears streaming down her face as she wished wholeheartedly that was the case. But it wasn't considering she couldn't get pregnant even if she tried.

"No. I'm not. Just go. Tell Bella thank you for everything but this is done. We're done." Before Angel could respond, Anita stormed out of the bathroom leaving the student flustered and confused as they clenched their fists when the small inclining of hurt plastered on their chest as they swallowed the lump that formed in their throat.

Fuck. There has to be more than that. Something happened and she's scared to tell me. She can't just..drop me like that. No one does that. Angel shook their head from their thoughts and stormed out of the bathroom and into the classroom, grabbing their things and walking out despite the professor's protest.

"And now you get an F." Anita yelled harshly, causing Angel to laugh humorlessly before turning around and snarling at the professor.

"Just drop me from this stupid ass class. I'm not coming back."

Anita flinched at the students words, watching as they disappeared down the hallway leaving the rest of the class confused with the sudden outburst. There were just a few students left and Anita's heart was beating rapidly in her chest. She felt like she was going to pass out but instead took a sip from her water bottle as she tried to calm herself down.

But as the last student handed their papers in, she felt dizzy as she slowly stood, packing her things and slipping on her coat before walking out of the classroom. She slowly pushed the exit to the building open and walked to the parking lot to see Monty standing next to her car as he took a swing from his flask.

"Get in the car."

"Monty, please-"

"Get into the fucking car!" He yelled, his loud voice echoing through the parking lot that it stopped Angel in their tracks as they turned around and saw the small woman being dragged by her hair and pushed into the car despite her protests.

"What the fuck.." Angel hissed as they hid behind the tree they were smoking next to as they waited for Bella to pick them up. They watched as they argued in the car, but gasped in shock and anger as Monty slammed Anita's head into the dashboard, the blood pouring out of her nose. Her sobs were so loud that they were heard from inside of the car and Angel started to walk over, but stopped as they remembered Anita's words.

He knows, doesn't he? Fuck.

The Neighbor (Re-addition) Woman x IntersexWhere stories live. Discover now