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A flute instrumental was loudly heard in the living room of the shared apartment. The serene sound of the instrumental echoed like a pleasant breeze on a hill top. A smile appeared on the face of the girl sitting infront of the large screen of the TV.

"You're rewatching? Again?" Another voice called out, amusement clear in her voice.

"It's just so.... tragically addicting bro, also, the actors are so-" the girl on the sofa sighed dramatically, falling back on the armrest to prove a point.

"Niyati, stop being so dramatic." The other girl sat beside Niyati, swatting the girls thighs.

"Ouch! Prakriti, why- go away." She hissed, pushing Prakriti's shoulder.

Believe it or not, they are the best Indian Crime Department agents of their time. Niyati Goswami and Prakriti Yadav, better known as Agent Krishnaa and Agent Prithvi go along together. It's almost like Ram-Lakshman and Krishna-Balram. Individually they excell but together they succeed. Very few cases have been there that they weren't able to solve. From hospital-organ rackets to actual Mafia cases. From exposing government imposter back stabbers to literal political frauds, they've done it all. Yet somewhere in between they knew they were supposed to do a lot more than that. To change, not the trivial ones, a big change.

"You know what." Prakriti sighed, watching the scene where Draupadi is born, playing on the screen. The theme song elicited goosebumps on both of them.

"Hmm?" Niyati asked, a bit focused on the show playing.

"I wish somehow, us humans, had a second chance at dharm sthapana, to delay this whole Kali Yuga detoriation , to get time to be better." Prakriti sighed, memories from their cases flashed through her brain. So much on people's face, some regret, some rage, others...void of emotions. So much blood, and innocents who decided to stand by to help or were forced to do so, dead. Their families wailing, and hope on the almighty diminishing slowly.

"Agreed. Much of the crimes started with all those heinous acts from the past. Maybe if there was a fearsome battle between Draupadi and the Kauravas during the cheerharan, people would look at the concept of sexual assault differently, and women would gain power to fight, be brave, fight with their all. Because, after all, god helps them who help themselves. Strong examples scare perpetrators. Maybe if Kauravas and Pandavas were together, they would've made earth- Bharat a better place and delay this...shitty outcome of whatever this is." Niyati frowned.

"If Mahabharata wasn't considered fiction, maybe things would've been better." The girls sat silently, eyes trained upon the TV as their brain whizzed with ifs and buts. 'I wish humanity had a second chance.' they thought. The stars aligned that night with a glint.

"Somebody needed to pull off Duryodhana and Dusshashana's dhoti's right after the cheerharan, tit for tat, bitch. Somebody needed to stand up for our girlie draupadi, a woman ofcourse and dragged the men's ass. Because if they weren't allowed to fight battles, they could've done a little adharma to fight within the castles. What's a little bit of hell if it saves someone from PTSD?" Niyati rambled. Prakriti laughed slapping her friend out of habit making her join in.

"Okay but imagine someone just walking up to Dusshashana and pulling his dhoti off. No Krishna would save him, humiliation at its finest." Prakriti laughed.

"Better if it is done in public. Like now now, how you like that?" Niyati wheezed.

"Okay but if it wasn't for Shakuni-"

"No it was Duryodhana mostly, like somebody needed to discipline that kid."

"Fucking for real man, the others mostly just followed him, and Shakuni did the brainwork on his insistence, honestly, Dhritarashtra was the problem."

WHEN THE STARS ALIGNED / A Mahabharat AUWhere stories live. Discover now