7. Confessions and Curiosity

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Dhritarashtra was in distress. His inner turmoil ate him up as he sat on the regal swing of his balcony, pondering over thoughts and decisions. A deep frown was etched upon his forehead as he anxiously fiddled with his angvastra.
He knew it was time, it was time to announce the next prince in throne. To announce the Yuvraaj. His heart tugged in desperation, years of humiliation and offenses travelled to his mind as he envisioned his son on the throne, the satisfaction it brought was impeccable. He wanted to desperately prove to everyone that his son was the capable future king. But then on the other hand the angry yells of his subjects and the heart broken calls of his younger brother slithered into his mind. Somewhere deep down, he knew Yudhisthir is the actual heir and a deserving prince, actually more capable than his son and he was failing to accept that.

His thoughts were broken as his ears focussed on the tiny tinkles of an anklet. Dhritarashtra smiled slightly, knowing who it is, "After the whole day of chaos....you finally find time to see your old father?" He asked. In return he heard a soft chuckle.

"I still don't know how you figure out between me, Jiji and Mata." Niyati chuckled, sitting beside her father on the swing as he patted on the empty area.

Dhritarashtra laughed, "I can't see through my eyes but I can see through my ears." He said seriously, trying to look mysterious. "It's a secret." He whispered to his youngest.

"Pitashree.." Niyati whined, "I'm not a child anymore." She laughed slightly. Dhritarashtra shook his head, side hugging her while caressing her head, "to me and your Mata you'll always be that small, fiesty little girl running around the whole castle, feeding the horses, eating with the dasis, singing early in the morning and keeping your brothers in check.... that's what parenthood is, my dear." He smiled.

"Will you always love me like your daughter?" Niyati asked. Dhritarashtra frowned, "ofcourse. Whatever may happen, you, Dusshala and your Brothers would always be my children... Even when you both will be married and would go to your-"

"Please don't marry me off to someone." She whispered, "I could never live without you all. I'd marry someone and keep them here if it is necessary. I don't know." Niyati whined. Dhritarashtra laughed, "I guess you should marry one of the Pandavas then or maybe Putra Ashwatthama."

Niyati shuddered, "Marry my own brothers? No, thank you." She watched her father laugh more causing her to crack up although a thought pressed onto her mind....

How to make sure this man who gave her the love of a father even when he didn't need to, doesn't take wrong steps in life, anymore. She had to save him after all he has done for her.

"Wow. I see how it is, am I officially uninvited from the father daughter bondings?" Niyati turned to find Dusshala standing there with a mock angry face.

"Aree Jiji, apke bina mai nahi. Come, join us." Niyati smiled goofily. (Sister, Without you I am insignificant.)

"Indeed, you two are my two eyes, I see through you two, my dears. I'd be incomplete without you. Come putri, sit." Dhritarashtra now sat on the swing with both his daughters on both sides of him, arms around them in protectiveness.

"What is Matashree for you then?" Dusshala asked innocently.

"She is...my heart ofcourse." Dhritarashtra smiled cheekily knowing the woman stood behind them. (A/n: right, probably why you cheated huh?)

Gandhari smiled slightly, eyes getting teary as she watched her family bonding together. And oh she prayed to the almighty that it stays that way.


Kunti sat on her bed with multiple parchments spread around herself. Tears rolled down her eyes, she was in an inner turmoil.

The parchments held the biggest proof of the existence of her eldest son, the blessing of the Sun God himself. It has been so long that sometimes she believes it to be a deceiving figment of her imagination. But it all came back to her when she saw him, as an arrow hit his chest and he stayed unmoved, the golden shield that appeared on his body making him stand out.

WHEN THE STARS ALIGNED / A Mahabharat AUWhere stories live. Discover now