1: Madhavi and Shivanya

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Devi Ganga carried the child safely leading the basket towards where she knew was the home of the lord. Her loving arms carried the fragile flower in utmost protection. Nearing the river bed she slowed down, observing the mothers of the village walking towards the river at the break of dawn to carry water back to their homes.

"Do you know, Kanha was caught stealing makhan again. I don't know what I will do with this boy." A mother said in frustration but yet still had a fond smile on her face.

"Jiji, let him be. No matter how much of a makhan chor he is, he is still our beloved Kanha." Laughed the woman beside her.

Mata Ganga smiled slightly before floating the baby in her arms to where the mothers were coming.

"Jiji!" Shrieked the woman, "a child, in the water.!"

Mata Yashoda gasped rushing towards the floating basket that held the newborn.

Ganga smiled at the child tearfully, these two days that she god to keep the baby with her she grew attached quite a lot.

"Putri Prakriti, you're beyond what I am yet you're exactly what I stand for. I am a part of you and you, my beloved, are a part of me. I, Devi Ganga, with the acknowledgement of sister Yamuna, bless you to be successful in what you came for as long as you're dedicated to it. You'd do great things. I also bless you with the power to control water in times of desperate needs." Devi Ganga blessed before disappearing into abyss.

Yashoda picked the basket up finding a carefully wrapped newborn baby in the basket alongside a royal scroll. She frowned before rushing back into the village, the water pots long forgotten.

Somewhere else the dark skinned beauty with a peacock feather moved in his makeshift swing from tree branches.

"They are here, Dau. Our sisters." He smiled.

"Sisters?" Balram asked in confusion.
Krishna smiled slightly.

"Yes, ones who can change the fate of entire aryavart. Both have found their homes." He said, smiling at his older brother as they spoke through telepathy.

"Why are they in different places?" Dau asked.

"Because they needed to be kept safe."

"Now, let's go and see the one who is here." Said Kanha, smiling to himself. The five year old and eight year old ran towards their home where a crowd has formed.

"Who is the letter from?" Yashoda asked.

"My friend Vasudev's maternal sister....she had twin girls but her husband was against having girls so they gave away one of them to save the children but she mentions how she felt like she wouldn't survive. She says if this letter and her baby is with him then she is already dead and her husband thinks her daughter is dead aswell. The younger twin is given away to her sister-in-law. She named this little one, Prakriti." Nanda Dev read out, face having a sad frown.

"H-h-how cruel." Yashoda teared up, "no matter what gender the child is. A child is a child."

Krishn walked up to his mother, with a childish smile he hugged her before carefully caressing the baby's head.

"Sister." He said.

"Sister?" Asked Yashoda.

"Yes, maiya, sister." He said.

"Yashoda, I think we should adopt her till it is safe for her to be with Vasudev." Nanda Dev smiled sadly.

"Her eyes, they are like a lotus flower, beautiful, so divine." Gasped Nanda's younger brother, "Kamalanayani."

WHEN THE STARS ALIGNED / A Mahabharat AUWhere stories live. Discover now