9. How the turns have tabled I

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Thank you for the comments besties😭✋so grateful.

Also, q&a at the end!!


Kunti was pacing in worry, heart restless as she tried to decide how to reveal her deepest, darkest, secret to the Grandsire of Hastinapur. She figured that he was the best one to approach and talk to alongside Vidur if she were to reveal Karn as her son.

"Choti Maa?" A gruff voice startled her.

"Putra Duryodhan." She acknowledged in confusion.

"Mata was asking if you would accompany her to the Gauri mata temple today— as I was visiting Shivu, she wanted me to let you know- are you....uh.... alright? You look....stressed." The oldest Kaurava frowned. Kunti's eyes widened in shock, "I'm quite alright Putra. Thank you for letting me know, I'll accompany your mother yes." Kunti smiled kindly. "Oh- and...maybe ask Shivanya if she would like to accompany us." She said endearingly, seeing this different side of her jiji's son was delightful for her, "I'm glad that you're so considerate of your mother's words Putra. She does deem you dearer than her own life, i hope you'll keep valuing her as such." She said, caressing Duryodhan's cheek who flinched at her touch but composed himself. The reassurance in his aunt's words almost made him comfortable. He gave her a hesitant smile before leaving the room.

Prakriti wondered if getting dragged around was a new thing for her as she let Dusshala drag her and Subhadra behind her. She hiked up her skirt, her Uttariya's extended part flowing behind her as she rushed behind the eldest princess of Hastinapur.

"Mata said that we can take part in the Gauri Pujan today." Dusshala informed.

Prakriti smiled, "that's great. We must thank Maharani, shouldn't we jiji?" She asked Subhadra who nodded.

"Aree, Dusshala, why are you in such a hurry, and why are you dragging our guests, behna?" Arjun asked in amusement.

"Bhrata Arjun, we're heading to the Gauri temple for the morning prayer before today's court proceedings start." She explained giddily. Arjun nodded before a teasing smile rode up his lips, "Yadav Kumari Subhadra Zara dekhkar chaliyega, kya pata, is bar saach mien kisi jaal me gir jaye?" He grinned stupidly. (yadav Kumari Subhadra, do be careful while walking this time, who knows if you may encounter an actual trap this time?).

Subhadra flushed, looking away in embarassment. Prakriti suppressed her smirk with a cough, "Kumar Arjun's concern about my sister is much appreciated....but Kumar, you do seem to favour her more than us....hmnn." Prakriti smirked. "We must discuss this over another match someday."

Arjun grew embarassed slightly before chuckling, "we should." Genuinely liking the company of the youngest Yadavi he nodded, "infact, we may practice today itself. You can watch and judge, Rajkumari." He said, referring the last part to Subhadra who flushed and nodded. With a shake of his head he left.

"At this rate you'll permanently end up red and look like you've got a severe sunburn, Jiji." Prakriti shook her head in amusement.  "All that over a man?"

"Oh shush." Subhadra whispered to Prakriti.

Niyati sighed again as she felt sleep crawl up to her again as the dasis, whom she preferred to call by their names, dried her hair with a clean cloth.

"Rajkumari, don't fall asleep." Said one.

"I can't help it, Indu. I feel like the earth is pulling me down and my eyes are rolling back- the soft mattress of my bed seems like my beloved, the love of my life." Niyati mumbled eyes closing slightly as a smile appeared on her face at the thought of sleep. The helpers laughed among themselves at the princess's goofy behaviour.

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