5. It's all Fun and Drama

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"Gopal?!" Niyati shrieked. Krishn smiled shushing her slightly, "now now, you're not supposed to know me so I want you to act the same. I know you have questions, and it shall be answered soon, now I am sure they will open the gates soon and you'll head in, good luck." He nodded.

"Huh?" Niyati looked at him in confusion, "good luck, for what? Also, What do I do-"

"Just be you, Niyati. What you are." Krishn adviced before Niyati to could turn around and ask him something else, he disappeared.

Niyati huffed, "not my aradhya and supposed brother dissapearing when I need him the most." She sighed.

'I am always here.' A voice answered in her head. Niyati flinched , looking around before realising it was in her head. She huffed in annoyance, clearly disregarding the fact she just met a god, returned back to the gates that have been opened as the guard came back with allowance. She mounted her horse, caressing it's neck slightly before strutting in with it.


While Krishn was away Prakriti watched the fights in awe. After the mace fight it was time for sword fight and she watched in awe as other princes and yuvraj-kumars fought against each other. The kaurava sword fighters were long defeated and now the fight was nearing its end as Nakul fought the last opponent and won. 

After sword fight ended it was turn for axe fight. She watched one of the Kaurava brothers getting badly defeated although he gave a good fight. Duryodhan fumed, getting up from his seat but was stopped by Shakuni. He was furious, how dare such a lowly prince hurt his brother? But he knew that this prince would have to face one of the Pandavas. Although it would mean that another Pandava will win but atleast his brother would be avenged.

"He broke the rules." Nakul commented. Duryodhan grunted in agreement taking the older twin by a little surprise.

"I don't know how that went past Pitamaha's eyes....I am sure Sahdev will teach him a lesson. No one should mess with us Kurus." Bheem growled, despite holding grudge against them his families name was at stake hence he decided to let go of it, for a while atleast. He knew he was disqualified because of Duryodhan and his tac tics but that didn't mean he'd go against his own family, never.

Duryodhan glanced at him slightly, a frown settling on his face.

"Kumar Sahdev ki jay!"

Vikarna walked towards Sahdev, "He's playing foul brother, but do avenge me." He smiled patting his shoulder before greeting the rest of his brothers and elders already in the sitting area.

Prakriti watched the whole ordeal, her sharp gaze observing all the little interaction between the brothers then her eyes settled on the fight in the middle of the arena.

"Sahdev seems to be struggling against him aswell." Dusshala commented.

Prakriti's eyes narrowed onto the hand movements of Sahadev's opponent.

"His way of using the axe is abnormal, it seems to be heavier in weight- He is cheating. He is using a two-type weapon, it's as heavy as a mace which making the impact harder!" Prakriti gasped as she caught sight of the thick mace like lower body of the axe.

"How can you even see that-" Dusshala said in awe.

Her loud exclamation caught the attention of Vidur whose eyes widened aswell but as he was about to stop the fight Sahdev's axe cut through the handle of the heavy axe making the opponent fall from impact.

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