18. To tame the fire

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Prakriti was right about her assumption, things were moving too fast. The timeline was ruptured. She watched in worry as Arjun paced around the room. Rajmata Kunti was in tears, angry tears to be exact. She couldn't believe the betrayal and deceit.

Previously , after the puja, Rajmata had brought a lit diya back to the room to keep and it accidentally fell onto the ground, immediately a fire started to spread until the boys came around to help.

"How could they fall so low?" She seethed.

"I think, right now, we should pretend to be normal all-while trying to find a way out." Nakul suggested.

"Agreed. Arjun, do you remember something my brother might've told you?" Prakriti pushed. Arjun seemed to be thinking for a minute before it clicked.

"We need to make a way underground."

"Exactly." Prakriti nodded, "we need to dig a way down from here, to the forest right beside. If we start from today itself, we'll have a way out by the time they light this place up. Which I feel they will do very soon.."

"You knew." Sahadev declared with slightly narrowed eyes, not in suspicion or anger but curiousity.

Prakriti frowned, "I had a feeling. I indeed did join you thinking...for my sake, it wouldn't be executed. I'm not sure if-"

A loud blast was heard from far east of the castle.

"Well, it seems they do not care." Prakriti frowned, not really sure how to feel about this.

"Bheem, I must ask you to start digging. We must escape." Yudhishthir ordered.

"Yadavi's room is the easiest way out as it faces the forest directly, that's the best option." Nakul agreed.

All of them shuffled up and away, Kunti and Prakriti grabbed important things with them.
Prakriti picked up a spare dupatta and made a makeshift bag out of it before collecting the fruits in the fruit basket, a closed pot of water and some haldi paste from the washroom for the burns she knew they will face later. She knew the heavy bag would slow her down so she handed it to Nakul who gave her a weird look.

Soon they were out of the room and towards her's. Their fast movements were interrupted as Purochan stood with his people, to stop them.

"Move out of our way, you'll die either way!" Bheem seethed.

The soldiers pulled out their weapons. Some of them were immediately tackled down by Bheem, Arjun fought two others but before they could finish them off Purochan's wife and another lady caught  both Prakriti and Kunti from behind, holding knives at their throat.

"The women can be spared if only the Pandavas voluntarily walk towards the east side of the castle." Purochan smirked.

"Let them go or I'll kill you with my bare hands, Purochan!" Bheem yelled trying to advance towards him but Kunti gasped in shock as now the knife was attached to her throat, one slight movement would hurt her.

"Bheem! Stop." Yudhishthir yelled. His demeanor calm yet his eyes were burning with anger. He didn't look at anyone, turning to stare at Kunti's feet before staring at Arjun.

"We will go with you." Yudhishthir agreed.

"Jyesth-" Bheem was stopped by Sahadev who shook his head.
Prakriti made eye contact with Arjun before nodding at him and then towards Kunti.
The fire was spreading rapidly, a nearby pillar was already on fire and the heat licked at their skin.

WHEN THE STARS ALIGNED / A Mahabharat AUWhere stories live. Discover now