10. How The Turns Have Tabled II

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Prakriti was pushed back slightly at the impact of the Indraputra's attack. She attacked with her own arrow which he narrowly missed. The falguni was sweating just as much as Prakriti, whose brows were furrowed in frustration.

"Give up, Rajkumari." Arjun mocked, trying to distract his opponent. A cunning smirk rode up to Prakriti's peach lips, "Never."
They started to walk in a circular motion, as if waiting for the other two try and prey on them and they could attack as an element of surprise.

Arjun's eyes were trained on her hands that held the bow in its place, the string stretched ever so slightly. He had indeed disregarded the Yadavi's talent when it came to archery, no questions asked, his humility was knocked and ego was crushed as he slowly realised he indeed wasn't the best when it came to archery, best was a heavy word and he realised neither did he like bearing it nor could he let go of it, human life wasn't the easiest, it was hard to let go of desires and wants.
His movements became fast as he saw her hand twitch, he pulled his arrow back before it was in the air, whizzing towards the smirking princess who let go of hers which went up in the air, destroying his own, midway.

Can you really defeat a student/relative of MahaVishnu himself, Kaunteya?

Arjun huffed, the defeat was second in a row, he wondered if he was even capable enough to fight against Panchala.

"Don't worry about this, Indraputra. I use observation and agility to my plus point, you did win the previous round, did you not? Most men tend to use feelings more than brain while attacking, so don't worry. Win against Panchala will be an easy one." Prakriti waved him off.

Subhadra smiled with pride, hugging her younger sisters. Yogmaya wasn't aware of her reality but yet she still loved her bestfriend the same way she did in her heavenly abode.

"Bhrata Arjun?" A voice called out hessitantly.

"Vikarna." Arjun nodded.

"We will be leaving soon, I think you should join the rest of you brothers. Also, Yadav Kumari Madhavi, Shivanya requests your presence." Vikarna nodded before leaving.

"Kumar Arjun?" Prakriti called, the said man turned to look at her.

"I'd be honoured if you would call me by my name. I think we can consider each other friends." Her eyes had a glint of mischief, similar to the one of her brother's.

"Then you must do the same....Madhavi?" Arjun said hessitantly, the name said casually was not a habit.

"Gladly, Sakha Arjun." Prakriti smirked, "but as it seems, I might have to call you Jijashree soon." She said lowly as she passed him. Arjun flushed red, thanking his darker skin tone as his shy eyes met Shubhadra's confused ones.

"You think this would work out?" Niyati said, feeling nervous all of a sudden.

"As long as you're on a path of righteousness, I'm sure everything would work out, Niyu." Prakriti patted her back.

"What if things change? I can't let them capture the Kauravas brothers and Pandavas act as the knight in shining armours, I mean no offense to them but that would lead to birth of more envy." Niyati sighed as Prakriti fastened her hair tightly. Although they were leaving for war, Niyati didn't have any protective covering over her clothes. She had fastened a belt around her hips to secure her sword and daggers. Except of normal skirt like antariya, her antariya was pleated into a dhoti, making it accessible for horse riding.

"Do what you think is good. Don't worry your little brain so much." Prakriti chuckled.

"Shivanya." She heard Adityaketu, one of her brothers, call her, "we're leaving soon." Niyati nodded before leaving the armory room. At the entrance of the castle stood all of her family. She bent to take blessing of her mother who blessed her before holding her face with a frown, "please return safe, Putri. I must not see one single scratch on you."

WHEN THE STARS ALIGNED / A Mahabharat AUWhere stories live. Discover now