6. Thank God I can sing

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"Adbhut, adbhut." A voice called out.

Niyati looked up in shock.

"I don't think I have ever heard anyone sing so well. I am so proud to call you my sister, Shivanya." Duryodhan smiled.

"She's divine, Mitr." Karn said in awe and agreement. Prakriti almost cringed at the compliment, stay away from my bestie. She thought and almost as if Krishn heard her, he chuckled. She threw a glare at him.

Niyati chuckled, "It wouldn't have been this good if Bhratashree Arjun didn't play the Veena. If you will be complementing me....it would be an equal share between me and him." She smiled knowingly.

Duryodhan frowned, Niyati approached him. "Disliking someone is alright, but you can accept and complement their talents, atleast. Your rivalry is with Jyesth, is it not? Not Bhrata Arjun." Niyati reasoned as she whispered.

Duryodhan sighed, "Uh....Arjun, tumne bhi accha Veena vadan Kiya hai." He said lowly. Everyone present audibly gasped except Niyati and Krishn who smirked in triumph. Duryodhan felt all the stares and didn't know if he should be offended or happy.

Arjun gaped at him, he blinked for few seconds before looking at him with wide eyes. Niyati raised her eyebrow at him and he instantly replied, "Thank you, Bhrata Duryodhan." He smiled happily (forced and shocked).

Karn frowned slightly, he knew Niyati was right. Despite his insecurity when it came to Arjun, he knew that indeed he is talented.

"Although I think a bow and arrow fits a man better than an instrument."
To this Niyati tilted her head, "so you're telling me a weapon doesn't fit a woman? Are you disrespecting my efficiency at sword fighting?" She asked in offense.

"Fas gaye na, Jyesth?" Dusshashan mocked, moving away from his older brother before he could hit him.

"That's not what I meant, Shivu..." Duryodhan gulped at his sister's fierce gaze. All his life he had not thought that a woman can make him sweat and run away but then this kid came into his life and ruined it all, yet he couldn't do anything about it, she is, inspite of whatever she did, his sister. But just because she is younger doesn't mean she was less wiser, she was the brain inside his skull and she was the fire that made his flame seem weak infront of her.

Duryodhan tried again but one look from Niyati and he was walking away.

"Niyati, Putri, don't scare your brother like that." Shakuni chuckled, but cleared his throat. He couldn't bear that a Pandava got complimented and yet again his nephew wouldn't be seen under the wrong light because of his actions done on impulse. Although he was grateful Niyati stopped him from saying something unethical also gained respect for the Kauravas by her singing yet somewhere he felt bitter. Somewhere felt like she was the bridge not their plan's member.

"Scare? I'm just helping him choose the right path, any sister wishes for the best for her brother." Niyati said pointedly.

"It's almost like she scares him." Nakul whispered to Sahdev who nodded as they watched Duryodhan retreat without commenting anything mean.

"You have nothing to be insecure of, Angraj." Prakriti said lowly as she stood beside him to approach her twin, almost as if she read his mind about his insecurities.
"You might be hating him now but maybe someday you'll realise, you are just each other with different situations in life." She said with a smile, before Karn could ask who she was she was already turning to approach her friends. Karn too went to find his friend.

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