13. Won but at what cost?

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Tears rolled down her face as she bit into her tongue, drawing blood as she heard a loud crack from her hand. Her head started to blank out for a while, the pain becoming almost unbearable. She didn't scream. She stared down at her lap when the guards walked past her cell.

Even moving her fingers slightly was painful but she had to. Very slowly and painfully she pulled her hand out of the tight handcuffed chains by twisting them to a side. She wasn't sure if it was broken or dislocated. More tears gushed out of her eyes. She curled her toes, bent her knees, moving uncomfortably to somehow lessen the pain. Nothing.

Niyati realised she could still slightly move her hand, it wasn't broken she realised. Using her bound hand she pressed onto her dislocated wrist, somehow it helped with the pain very slightly. Sometimes things she did on impulse did work out eventually. Finally, using the dagger she uncuffed her other hand. Now it was time to escape the cell. She prepared herself to fight and get over powered but then she heard the guards running around.

"They have captured Pitashree! Go and help him! They're over powered!" A male voice echoed throughout the prison ground. The guards shuffled towards the voice and a loud chaos was heard.

Niyati slumped in a corner, thanking God for whatever situation that made it easy for her to escape.

As she unlocked or more like destroyed the lock of her cell she saw a man in royal attire stand before her.

"You're in pain." He frowned, "what did you do?"

"You're gonna have a chit chat and not attack me?" Niyati retorted. The man shook his head, "I'm here to help you escape."

Niyati gaped at him, "who are you, exactly?" Wincing as she accidentally hit her injured hand on the way out.

"Satyajit, Panchala Raja's oldest son." He nodded curtly.

"Why're you helping me?" She frowned, "I'm thankful. But i don't trust you, neither am I a damsel-in-distress."

"Because what my father did was wrong, it was Adharma, I want to save him from the consequences of it, hence I'm helping you. You're free to go from here. I have a horse ready for you outside." He explained and was about to leave but then turned around, "as a brother of a sister myself, I can't let yours loose theirs. They spared her life , I'll save yours aswell, that's natural."

Niyati looked back only once before running out of the prison. On her way she confronted a soldier, extremely buff for her liking at the moment. She fought with her left hand as her right was injured.

"AH!" She yelled, hearing a crack as the man twisted her hands forcefully, about to punch her gut but then she kicked his shin and then his crotch before pushing him away, with the dagger in her hand she advanced towards the main castle menacingly, anger evident in her steps.


Drupad sat in the middle of the royal court, bound and on his knees, glaring at Dron who walked in.

The kuru brothers all stood tall and together.

"Do you remember now? The disrespect you gave me when I came to you as a friend that needed help. Now I come with my revenge." Dron said.

"Allow us, Gurudev. We'll finish him off." Duryodhan seethed.

"No need. Drupad, I have two offers for you." The king gritted his teeth at those words.

"I kill you or you give ...half your your Kingdom to my son, Ashwatthama, and coronate him with your own.... hands." Guru Dron offered, not intending to kill his former friend.

WHEN THE STARS ALIGNED / A Mahabharat AUWhere stories live. Discover now