14. The great announcement(s)

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Dhritarashtra was in a dilemma, again. But he knew what his decision should be and if he did otherwise, he'd be in great trouble.

As he walked to his throne and sat down he let out a heavy sigh. It was a private court where only the family members and most important officials sat.

"Today, I've come here to make the most crucial announcement for Hastinapur's future..." He started. This caused everyone to sit upright. (Everytime dude is about to announce the Yuvraj something happens lol)

"Maharaj." Gandhari's soft voice interrupted her husband.
Dhritarashtra frowned, "yes?"

"I apologise for interrupting but another announcement must be made today. Specially for Bhratashree and my sons to hear." Gandhari started. "I have....me and Kunti have hidden this for a long time..."

Everybody looked at her sceptically.

"What is it, Mata?" Duryodhan asked.

"It's about Shivanya's origin and her biological family..." Gandhari said.

"What is going on?" Niyati whispered to Prakriti who sat their with a straight face. "Nothing too exciting. They want to announce that we are sisters. Why do you think I was allowed into the court?" Prakriti glanced at her sister.

"What?" Shakuni asked.

"Niyati, we all know she had....or has a twin sister. We all speculated she was.....well, killed by their father...your brother, GandharRaj. But,  it seems, Mayuri didn't let him harm her. That girl, she ended up in Vrindavan...and stayed under Nand Raja and Yashoda's wings..." Kunti trailed off.

"Just like Dwarkadhish Shree Krishna." Bhishm mumbled, eyes trailing off to the girl sitting beside Niyati.

"Yes, Pitamaha. And later, she lived with her actual adoptive guardians, just like Niyati lives with us." Kunti explained.

"Putra Duryodhan, Yadav Kumari Prakriti is your cousin sister, putra." Gandhari said.

The court was filled with silence.

"How many more sisters do I have?" Duryodhan whisper yelled. "Do I not have enough responsibilities on my shoulder?"

Yudhishthir sympathized with him, he was always stressed and he only had four siblings to look after and Duryodhan had one hundred and two now adding Prakriti.
Wait- Yadav Kumari Prakriti is his... sister...aswell....or?

"What?!" An enraged voice echoed throughout the meeting room. "Yadav Kumari is....is Shivu's twin?! But mata-"

"She is your cousin sister, Dusshashan." Dhritarashtra condemned him. "But Shivanya is our daughter, we adopted her and similarly....Vasudev's family adopted Kumari Prakriti."

"Yes, the exact reason why Shivanya can't be taken away by Vasudev or we can't force Rajkumari Prakriti to forever stay with us." Bhishm nodded.

"I can't believe it....both...both of my nieces are alive. Hey Mahadev, how could I ever thank you enough." Shakuni cried.

Prakriti awkwardly shifted her weight from one leg to the other. She couldn't believe the dramatic nature of this family. I mean yes she is empathetic towards their feelings but she didn't like the way they were talking as if she wasn't standing there all along.

"I cannot believe we are related to that trickster's sister." Duryodhan grumbled, not quite audible to the olders of the family but very audible to Prakriti herself.

"I am your sister aswell, doesn't make it any better." She tilted her head with a smirk.

"The resemblance is Uncanny if you ask me. They have the same eyes and mischief in them." Kripacharya smiled.

WHEN THE STARS ALIGNED / A Mahabharat AUWhere stories live. Discover now