17. The trap and the comeback

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[ mood song of the chapter: 'Ek Bar Dekh Lijiye' - Kalpana Gandhi, SLB (Heeramandi)] (PLEASE DON'T BE A SILENT READER)

On their way to the Lakshagriha , Prakriti got a hint of the unmatched bond between the Pandava brothers , all five of them , mounted with immense talents sure were different but they all shared the same amount of love for each other, she knew that they would give up everything for each other. It was endearing to listen to the playful banters between them. She couldn't help but make a promise to herself to make sure they stay like this, cheery, happy and carefree the rest of the time she was allowed here.

"Yadav Kumari?" A soft voice asked.

"Hmn?" Prakriti looked to her side to find Yudhishthir on his horse, riding beside her chariot instead of his original position around Arjun who was leading the way.

"You seem lost. Is everything alright?"

"Ofcourse, why would it not be, Rajkumar Yudhishthir?" She smiled.
Yudhishthir's brain chemistry did a three-sixty for a second, that was the first time she used my name.

"As for your claim, yes...I was... thinking, the bond you and your brothers have, it's very endearing to watch. It's so pure. I was wishing for it to stay as such." She smiled.

"That is very ....kind of you." Yudhishthir smiled to himself, before looking up at her only to find her eyes fixated on him. She gave him a soft smile before turning back again. Yudhishthir stared at her dumbly before snapping out of it as he heard a quarrel breaking out between Nakul and Bheem.


Prakriti stared at the death trap they were about to enter with a cold face. She couldn't believe how much low a person could go because of greed and jealousy. Building a magnificent palace made of easily inflatable objects just to burn it down and kill your family was extreme points. Prakriti feared if there was actually any way out for Duryodhan from all these atrocities. She knew how easily Niyati gets attached to people and this man was someone she spent more than nineteen years with and around, it was only natural. She knew Niyati believed that if they tried they can change him and the others but it seemed almost impossible to Prakriti as they seem to have gone beyond the point of redemption.

"Prakriti, we have to go in now." Arjun nudged her. All through their friendly competitions the have formed a bond full of friendship and platonic love, hence moving to first name basis was easy for them.

"Yeah. Umm, ofcourse, I should move to bua now. Thank you, Arjun." She smiled at the Gandivdhari.

"No worries. Although, you, dear princess, seem to be bothered by something. Mind sharing with me?" He helped her down the chariot.

"It's...maybe I will tell you about it. But later." She chuckled, joining Kunti's side.

"Now I am confused. She seems more comfortable around Bhrata Arjun than Jyesth. Do you reckon she likes him?" Nakul whispered to Sahadev who looked amused.

"Have you seen Shivanya and Ashwatthama talk?" He asked. Nakul nodded, "do you think she likes him?" Nakul shook his head negatively, "but they are more like siblings than friends."

"Since when have you started to like and actually consider Shivu as your sister? I thought you hated her." Nakul raised he brows. Sahadev shrugged, "I don't find her un-trustable anymore, but mysterious, that's still a thing. Both Yadav Kumari and Shivanya are hiding something from all of us and it's something so impactful that it can change things in the future." Sahadev explained.

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