11. "Am I a Disney Princess?"

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Prakriti was sat at the garden swing. She always lived upto her name, being within nature and appreciating it wholeheartedly. And the love wasn't one sided, nature loved her back. She smiled softly as she felt flowers fall from the tree above as she moved the swing to and fro very lightly. She heard distant chatters of Subhadra and Dusshala who were talking about something related to their kanyakul days. Her eyes trailed off to the expanded stream of Ganga that flowed behind the castle premises, man made flow insulators used to lead them to where the crops need watering. Feeling a distinct pull, Prakriti jumped off the swing. Her anklets tinkled at the force, as she rushed towards the stream.

"Madhu?" Subhadra called out curiously.

"I'll be back in few minutes, Jiji." Prakriti assured her before walking towards the stream at a fast pace. Pushing away few of the shrubs she neared the bank of the stream. The backside of Hastinapur had a lightly dense forest. She was sure this was the beginning of the forest as if she walked further she would probably get lost in it. Despite it not being a natural tributary of the river it still had the save speed and strength as it's mother stream.

Prakriti kneeled down on the muddy bank, not bothered about the mud seeping through her royal blue skirt. She liked mud and soil, it had a calming sense. Stretching her hand, she let the flowing, clear water touch her fingers every so slightly. She smiled, her fingers tingled when in contact with the water. She immersed more of her palm into the water, swirling around and cutting the current. Quite distracted by the beauty of the stream, the pebbles under the water, the small fishes fluttering around she nearly did not notice the slight whirlpool that formed on the other side of the stream and absolutely didn't notice the slight shuffling behind her.

"Putri." A very gentle and motherly voice called onto her. Prakriti flinched, startled by the sudden appearance of the woman.

"Devi Ganga. Pranipaat." Prakriti bowed to the goddess who smiled, blessing the girl.

"What makes you appear before me, Devi?" Prakriti asked curiously.

"It's your gentle touch that summoned me, Putri. I realise that you hold some extraordinary powers in those hands of yours. You, my dear, are the epitome of nature herself. Are you aware of your reality?" The river nymph asked.

Prakriti stared at Devi Ganga in confusion, "I do not quite understand..."

Ganga smiled before gesturing towards her hand, "close your eyes and think about the water reaching up to your hand without touching it."

Prakriti listened to her advice and closed her eyes and thought as directed. Focusing hard she frowned, feeling nothing change. Opening her eyes she saw the river goddess still smiling at her encouragingly and then she looked down at her hand.

"What the-" she gasped, wide eyes staring at the small stretch of water levitating off of the stream and wrapping around her hands. (a/n: what in Percy Jackson)

"You are name Prakriti for a reason, my dear. In years that are to come, you will figure out the reasons for possessing powers as such. But remember, you could only use this powers when you're doing something for the better, these powers are only loyal to the righteous. I do expect you to handle it with care, with great power comes great responsibility." Devi Ganga blessed before disappearing with anymore explaination.

Prakriti frowned, did she really use a Spiderman dialogue or am I loosing it? She thought.

"Am I a Disney Princess?" She laughed.

Swishing her hands she levitated more water, concentrating on giving it a shape, she thought on an arrow. After few tries of making dismorphed water arrows the water finally took a proper arrow-ish sharp shape. Smiling in satisfaction Prakriti swished her hand to the side and fisted it. The arrow flew and then the water suddenly dropped on a flower bush. A shriek was heard and Prakriti was immediately on guard.

WHEN THE STARS ALIGNED / A Mahabharat AUWhere stories live. Discover now