12. The final showdown (literally)

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An elevated ground was created as there sat Guru Dron, Ashwatthama, Karn and Niyati. Their eyes focused into the medieval telescope that was being used to eye the soldiers of Panchala.

"They are more than ready, Pitashree." Ashwatthama frowned, glancing at his father who looked calm.

"I believe in my students." Is all he said as he watched the Kuru Princes rushing towards the battlefield.

Niyati looked tense, wondering if they would actually listen to her or end up falling into Drupad's trap.

Shikhandini ordered the first batch of soldier to leave their formation and fight with the princes. As previously discussed, the swordsmen attacked first, causing the soldiers of Panchala to fall. A second batch was told to move who were again killed by just the few swordsmen among the princes. Shikhandini now ordered them to change formation, starting the formation of a vyuh.

"They are forming a labyrinth." Arjun inspected. The archers readied themselves.
"Whenever they will try to close a door we will shoot. Mace holders shall be on both sides, preventing any backward attack." He said, moving forward.

Duryodhan scowled slightly but complied ordering his brothers to follow into the plan as he rode beside Yudhisthir. Rounds of soldiers were killed as they broke through the Vyuh easily. The archers shot the soldiers trying to close the vyuh's entrances.

Shikhandini frowned. "Senapati. If I am required to use my panchratna, then it will be a defeat for you." Drupad gritted his teeth.
"I won't let them win, Pitashree." She said before covering her face and running into the middle of the vyuh.

The princes destroyed the chakravyuh as much as possible as they reached the middle of the vyuh. At some point they were surrounded by Panchal soldiers causing some of them to get trapped.

"Jyesth! They are trying to capture us!" Nakul yelled at Yudhishthir.

"Nakul, Vivitsu, Dusshashan!" Yudhishthir called out. The brothers turned to look at him, "rescue your brothers who are trapped. Rest of you, follow Duryodhan into the middle of the vyuh!" He ordered. Duryodhan nodded at getting the pure opportunity to reach Drupad first and left immediately. "The rest of you attack the rest of the soldiers and prevent them from closing the vyuh's doors!"

Niyati stood up climbing down the elevated area and inside her tent.

Duryodhan rode into the middle of the vyuh and despite their tries, they couldn't capture him, Bheem or Arjun as they fought. Arjun shot anyone trying to attack behind their backs as Duryodhan and Bheem fought side by side, demolishing anyone coming in their way.

Duryodhan slammed his mace into a soldier when an arrow whizzed past him, startling him. He turned around to see where the arrow went and found a dead soldier with his sword above his head, ready to attack. The soldiers fell backwards, dead. He turned to see Arjun turning away to shoot someone else. With a frown, he continued fighting.

Bheem severely crushed everyone around him but suddenly something caught onto his mace. He tried to pull his mace hard right when it was released from the weapon's grip causing to slam back into him. Then he saw the soldiers, his face covered as he fought. He grew more angry as he watched the warrior hit and push Vikarn and Sahadev into a trap as they got caught. He held up his mace only for it to get caught by the warriors unique weapon. The urumi wrapped around the mace's handle but the warrior failed to pull it out of his hand due to Bheem's immense strength.

But suddenly the warrior was knocked away by another mace.

Shikhandini rolled away at the impact, panting slightly at the pain inflicted. Her face covering fell off causing Duryodhan to stop in his tracks. Bheem stared at Duryodhan in shock as he had defended him.

WHEN THE STARS ALIGNED / A Mahabharat AUWhere stories live. Discover now