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hello hellooooo! i hope you all are having a fantastic friday. i'm currently procrastinating everything and anything that needs my immediate attention 😇

not proofread because of course it's not✨

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: NSFW suggested, angst
word count: 3298

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Go away," Emily mumbled against the mattress.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"I said to go away," Emily said slightly raising her voice. Instead of being met with silence, the door made a slight creaking noise as it opened up. Emily sighed heavily and turned over to see the trouble trio all in their sleepwear with eyes of curiosity. "Whatever it is, it can wait until tomorrow."

"It's eight in the morning," Tara said and crossed her arms. JJ happily shut the door before the three women all made their way to Emily's bed. Each settled themselves without sitting on any of Emily's body parts.

"And I yet I am still exhausted and want sleep," Emily said and pressed her face into the warm, soft bed. "Out."

"Come on! You've kept this brooding act up for longer than necessary," Penelope said and smacked Emily's leg through the comforter. "Even though it's only been two days of this nonsense, I am tired of the frown. I know you're all dark and mysterious ninety percent of the time, but you are also the same Emily who has a smile that makes other people's problems wash away. I haven't see that bright smile since those three men went to DC to go talk to you. Something is wrong. I can feel the energy switch. So, tell us what is going on."

Emily groaned and turned her head. "For starters, you are in my bedroom when it is still an appropriate time for me to sleep."

"You know that's not what we mean," JJ said and hugged her left leg to her chest. "Don't deny the frown. We have eyes, Emily."

"Not to mention the profiling skills," Tara said and pointed towards JJ to backup her point.

"I don't know what you're talking about, okay?" Emily snapped and sat up. All three women's eyebrows raised as Emily ran her hands through her hair. She laughed bitterly before looking between her friends. "Just go join the perfect couple in the perfect garden for a perfect breakfast and perfect coffee. Maybe afterwards, you could join them on a perfect walk to see their perfect country and leave me here alone in bed."

The tension in the room skyrocketed as the three agents subtly looked at each other. They had never seen Emily snap this badly before. The trio was certain that they'd seen Emily at her maximum anger level, but clearly, they had only seen the tip of the iceberg.

"Okay, I know you discussed the whole lesbian thing with us, totally cool with it if that wasn't abundantly clear, but please tell me you didn't get down and dirty with the prince," Penelope whispered yelled. Emily groaned in disgust as Tara and JJ just scrunched up their faces in disagreement. "I understand, don't get me wrong, be liberated and free and heterosexual as much as your heart pleases, but I can sense that something was there. I mean, who makes three men go across the world for one agent, who just so happens to be a very wonderful person. My point is, I saw the hand holding and intense eye contact with those dreamy blue eyes—"

"I did not sleep with the prince, okay? I just cannot stand being here," Emily said as she smiled tightly. JJ and Tara could see the craziness in Emily's soul through her eyes. "And I will not have this conversation in my silk pajama set and zero coffee in my system. Leave now, please."

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