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hello hellooooo! your friendly neighborhood author has a raging headache 🫡

one of these days i'll figure out how to drink coffee while sleeping simultaneously. maybe not today, but that's the dream😌

not proofread because of course it's not👍

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: mental cheating, angst
word count: 3346

"You guys thought the food was that good?" Tara asked and furrowed her eyebrows. The four other team members walked behind her as they walked into the palace.

"I wasn't blown away by it," Emily said and shrugged her shoulders. "It didn't taste right."

"That's because you both have had the opportunity to eat authentic French delicacies," Luke said and chuckled. "For the rest of us non-adventurous Americans, it was fantastic."

"That's big talk coming from a man who scolded Penelope for her salsa making capabilities," Tara said and gestured her head towards the blonde woman behind her. Penelope gasped as she hit Luke on the back. He groaned and reached behind him, rubbing the area he was hit on.

"You told me that you loved it!" Penelope said and stomped her foot down. "Were you lying to me?"

Luke's silence and tight smile was more than an answer.

"That's definitely a yes to the lie," JJ said and laughed softly. Luke looked over at her with a defeated look.

"Thanks for the help here, Jay," Luke said and dropped his shoulders. Penelope pushed Luke towards the staircase, evidently talking his ear off. The three women all laughed at his annoyed expression.

"Do we have bets on when they're going to throw caution to the wind and get together?" Emily said and crossed her arms. Tara and JJ looked at each other before raising their eyebrows at Emily. "Only I see it? Come on, I'm not that delusional."

"I hate every bit of this. I hope you're aware of that," Alexandra's voice said from down the empty. The three women all turned and headed down the hall. They noticed a bright light on coming from the formal living room. Emily knocked and pressed her ear against the door. "Come in, please! Come help me."

The older woman opened the door and saw Alexandra, Salma, and Y/n all sitting in the formal living room. Tara and JJ immediately bowed their heads before taking in the sight in front of them. Alexandra was on a pedistool with a new dressed wrapped around her. Salma, with a pencil in her mouth, tugged the corset strings to secure the fabric to Alexandra. The princess looked like she was about to turn around and shove that pencil somewhere it shouldn't be.

"Good evening, agents," Salma said without taking the pencil out of her mouth. She tugged harshly and sighed in relief. She took the pencil out and wrote down on a small notepad. "Please don't alert the rest of the security team over Alexandra's exaggerations. Corsets are a staple in royal attire."

"I wish you would retire them," Alexandra said over her shoulder. Salma scoffed as she took off her glasses to look over at Y/n.

"They're a ride of honor, my darling," Y/n said and laughed softly. "I didn't love them when I was your age. And I didn't have your godmother dressing me. It was an older lady who never tied them correctly so I had to stiffen so it wouldn't fall."

"Aren't you thankful every day that your best friend in the entire universe went into fashion?" Salma said and placed her hands on Alexandra's shoulders. "Even if I'm a little harsh."

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