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hello helloooooo! life update: i started watching the L word and let me just say...marina ferrer they could NEVER make me hate you😵‍💫

not proofread because of course it's not🙂

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: smut! NSFW, 18+, blah blah blah
word count: 4004

Three days later:

The palace was extremely quiet the last few days. The workers started to speculate that something had happened with the queen. The day that Stephen returned home, he had the children stay in the kitchen and help with the staff with making treats for them. Him and Y/n stayed in the office until Y/n fell asleep in his arms due to exhaustion and when the children were certainly in bed already.

Julia and Ashely had seen Stephen carry the queen up to their bedroom. Y/n's stained makeup and overall messy appearance confirmed that the queen was going through a rough patch. The one person they hadn't seen, however, was the notorious gray-haired agent.

Now, Y/n had been quiet the last few days. She didn't say anything. Truthfully, there was nothing to say. All that she could do now was soak in those emotions that spilled out of her mouth without any hesitation and combat these very intrusive, irrational thoughts.

The entire day went by without a single sound throughout the palace. Everyone was made painfully aware that the queen was not to be bothered and was not allowed in the office.

Emily kept busy by catching up on emails and relentlessly thinking about what Y/n was doing or thinking at this exact moment. She wanted to know everything so she knew how to help. Emily kicked herself for not doing more while in the middle of the chaotic breakdown in Y/n's office. She could have, and in her eyes should have, done something.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Emily walked over to her bedroom door and was met with Stephen on the other side of it. He looked exhausted to say the least, yet he still wore a soft smile. "Agent Prentiss, may I speak with you for a second?"

"Of course," Emily said and opened her bedroom door further. Stephen nodded his head as he entered. He didn't sit down anywhere and just turned to face Emily. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes, but I was hoping that you'd do me a favor," Stephen said and nervously played with his wedding ring. Emily closed her cardigan and crossed her arms. "I'm afraid that Y/n still isn't active, so the children and I will head to Mertz for the charity event that parliament scheduled for us. I was hoping that it wouldn't be too much trouble to ask that you'd watch over her? You don't need to be in the room if you don't want to be, but Y/n is dealing with big emotions. I hate to leave her, but parliament will have our heads if we don't go."

"Your Highness, I'm here to help," Emily said and nodded her head. "I'll gladly watch over her. Try to enjoy your trip with your children, even if it's just for a day."

"Thank you, Agent Prentiss, truly," Stephen said as he swallowed harshly. He didn't say anything else as he exited the room, leaving the door open. Emily could hear the family all saying their goodbye to Y/n. Her voice was fragile, like she didn't want people to hear she had the ability to speak.

Emily kept her head down and stayed put in her bedroom. She opened her laptop and started to write a reply to the directors back in DC. Her hearing focused on the constant clacking of the keys and the rhythmic thumping whenever she had to delete her words. While she typed, she constantly rolled her shoulders and twisted her back to relieve her spine.

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