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hello hellooooo! apologies for my abrupt absence. life has a way of throwing me a curveball and then a brick to the head immediately afterwards. fear not! i plan to make it up to you all by giving you back-to-back updates on this book until chapter twenty because it is completely written! 👀

unfortunately, my time with writing has come to an end. my graduate school starts next week and i am a busy bee already. speaking about the near future, this is my final book but i could always surprise you and drop more 🤭

as always, not proofread because we're consistent on this side of the internet! 🙂‍↕️

happy readings, and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: physical violence, swearing, mentions of death, mentions of murder, cheating
word count: 3834

Y/n read the paper with an itinerary for their future destination place. She could feel her heart freeze over.

"No," Y/n said and turned her head to look at Stephen. "I refuse to go to Oclain for our future family vacation. Pick somewhere else—anywhere else."

"You constantly go to Oclain each year by yourself for your reign anniversary," Stephen said and grabbed the itinerary from Y/n. "Why would this time be any different?"

"Because Oclain is a place of grief in my eyes. I became queen there by losing my grandmother," Y/n said and clenched her jaw. "That's like asking me to create some wholesome memories in a cemetery. It's inappropriate and tasteless."

"Well, the world is your oyster, my darling. Anywhere you want to go, we can," Stephen said and reached over, grabbing onto Y/n's hand. "But we need to get out of here. These walls are suffocating me, and I doubt they're welcoming to you."

"I'm sure your godfather is the one that guarantees that," Y/n mumbled and pulled her hand away to grab her coffee. Stephen exhaled loudly as he shook his head.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Not now—"

"Enter," Y/n said and shot a dagger at Stephen. He dropped the itinerary in his hands and made his way to the window. Emily could feel the obvious fight when she walked in. It lingered in the air.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, Your Majesty, Your Highness," Emily said and ran a hand down her buttoned shirt. "My team and I have a very important update that you should be aware of. We're setting up the details in the parliament chambers."

"May I ask what it is about?" Y/n asked before taking another sip of her coffee. Her eyes never leaving Emily's unmovable figure—so stoic and sweet.

"We believe we've found the person responsible for the previous threats to you," Emily said and lowered her eyes to the floor. She shakily let out a break before looking up and locking eyes with Stephen. He had never looked at her like that before. It was harsh and cold. She was used to the soft eyes and gentle smile that the prince had to offer.

Y/n didn't say anything as she got up and left the room. Emily and Stephen didn't look away from each other. It was like they were challenging each other to move, as if it meant they were lessen than the other.

Stephen finally broke it and left the room hastily. Emily let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in until now. She leaned back against the door and shut her eyes tightly.

Emily was starting to feel suffocated like last time. It felt like the walls were closing in on her. Almost like her life was about to be taken any second if she moved too quickly.

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