4 letters not 6

52 4 0

Four Letters Instead of Six.

One last word that I had heard

A lie that I was told

He loved me more then her

Thats something that is now old

No true goodbye

No real last kiss

Nothing ever would of predicted this

Lies that I've been told

Misconceptions I'd seen true

Something that I never knew

But, that wont stop me

That won't kill

Now I've got someone else

And they are not evil

No voices in there head

No burns on their skin

No false I love you's

And no fake friends

Four easy letters, instead of six

Three simple words, that comes with each kiss

True meaning behind the words

True feelings that have actually been heard

A new school, but not any where strange

A new set of friends that have free range

A past that is no longer mine

A memory that has been lost in time

I'm with someone who has shared my pain

A person who somewhat shares my shame

Once again, four simple letters instead of six

Those six stupid letters that I will not miss

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