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Which is what I want more?

Will I get where I need if I choose either one?

Which one is more important to me.....

That's the biggest question...

Trying to hold on one more year

                             Hoping to not leave myself in worst shape then I already am

Asking to see if something else can be arranged

                              Having the best of both escaping and living my life

Asking to move in with family

                              Hoping history won't repeat itself... again

Music is my passion

Band is my family

                               Or I like to think so

Home is living hell

                               I can no longer find peace

                                             Each day gets worst

Mentally I can't handle it any more

It's never been this bad...

Staying at the home where I will be mentally unstable

Finding a different option to still be at my school will be almost impossible

Asking to move home may be the worst decision I make

                               And it wouldn't really be home... It would be a fresh start that I'm not sure if I want or not....

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