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"Nothing would make me happier," The witch nearly cackled as she contacted Iris.

Once everything was set up, Hera began speaking. "Loved Ones. Olympians. We are gathered here today to celebrate and express approval of the joining of the two before me. My sweet, loving, and slightly insane niece,"


"And her head-over-heels sadistic vampire. Yes, Olympus, you heard that right. A goddess and a vampire. Married. With the approval and blessing of the goddess of marriage."

I sucked in a sharp breath, waiting for an uproar from the gods, only to be met with silence. 'I guess most of them don't care as long as she's not trying to destroy the gods.'

"With no current objections, I'll continue," Hera smiled at me before clearing her throat. "I won't waste time, so who would like to go first?"

"I would," Cassandra spoke up immediately, shocking me briefly. "Costin, come on."

Costin handed Cassandra a ring before standing at her side, waiting for his next order.

"Thank you, Costin," Hera smiled and returned her attention to Cassandra. "Now then, are you ready?"

"I am."

"Do you, Cassandra Dimitrescu, take this goddess to be your eternal partner, to live together in matrimony, to love and comfort her? To honor and keep her in sorrow and joy, so long as you both see this union will last? Preferably an eternity?"

"I do," Cassandra whispered while making eye contact with me. "I seal my promise and love with this ring," She continued while sliding the ring onto my finger. "My Light, I will never let you dim."

'Fuck the ceremony, I want to kiss her now.'

'...I'll try to speed this up,' I could hear Hera holding back her snickers. "How sweet! Costin, be a dear and give your aunt the other ring, please."

"Okay!" Costin beamed before walking over to me, handing me the ring, and taking his spot next to me. "Auntie. You... Look pwe-pretty."

"Thank you, sweetie," I giggled, running my fingers through his hair before nodding at Hera. "Ready."

"Do you, [Y/N], take Cassandra to be your eternal partner, to live together in matrimony, and to love and comfort her? To honor and keep her in sorrow and joy, so long as you both see this union will last? Preferably an eternity?"

"I do," I breathed out, taking Cassandra's hand and sliding the ring on her finger. "With this ring, I seal my promise and love to you. Nothing will come between us, my Love. We've been through too much together for me to let you slip away ever. You're my eternity, Cassandra."

"Then, as the Goddess of Marriage, I now pronounce you married in the eyes of mortals and immortals alike. You may now kiss the bride. Costin, you may return to your parents."

"Yipee!" Costin giggled, running into Isa's arms.

I giggled at Costin before Cassandra pulled me close, gaining my attention once again. With a wide grin, I wrapped my arms around the vampire's neck and pulled her in for a kiss. Once our lips were connected, cheers erupted from the small gathering. 'I wonder what Olympus is like right now. How many are outraged, or is it just Zeus and Poseidon?' The thought left me when Cassandra broke the kiss, earning a slight pout from me. 'I didn't tell her to stop kissing me.'

When we faced the rainbow Hunter had conjured up, I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face. 'So many are happy for us,' I clutched Cassandra's arm tight. 'No one's objecting either, so that means they're respecting Hera's decision. They can't harm or send anyone to hurt either of us anymore.' Cassandra kissed my forehead before Hera dismissed everyone, saying 'Goodbye' to Olympus and letting Hunter end the spell.

I happily pulled Cass to the hall and to the dining hall, taking our seats while everyone else caught up. '[Y/N] Dimitrescu,' I happily sang in my head, resting on the vampire's shoulder. 'What a wonderful day.' Cassandra purred and squeezed my thigh as everyone took their seats, the cake being wheeled out while I examined our rings. 'I never thought I'd feel this happy after getting married... Like a kid in a candy store.' With a low hum, I leaned up and kissed Cassandra's cheek, letting the kiss linger before returning my head to her shoulder.

"What was that for?" The vampire asked with an unmistakable smirk in her voice.

"I'll stab you," I grumbled while the cake was set on the table. "They are about to hand me a knife."

"Us a knife."


Cassandra giggled and gently nudged me. "I promise I won't make fun of you."

"...Just thinking about how happy I am to be your wife. I never imagined getting married would make me feel this way, but marrying you has given me butterflies."

"I'm not a butterfly."

"You're my butterfly," I giggled, taking the knife from Hunter when she held it up. "Let's cut the cake!"

After cake and food, I followed Cassandra to the atelier, letting everyone else mingle or go home. I giggled when the vampire lifted me once we were in her space, a proud grin on her face as she set me down. Cassandra pulled me to a corner before we sat down, looking at the different paintings and oddities in the room.

"I love this place nearly as much as I love you," I giggled. "But why are we here?"

"This is the spot I sat in when I decided I had feelings for you and then when we started getting serious. And again, when I started having dreams about marrying you."

"And now?"

Cassandra turned her head with a wide grin. "Our future. Take it day by day, or do you want to plan a few things? Do you ever want kids?"

"Do you?"

"Eh," The vampire shrugged before lifting me into her lap. "I'd prefer taking it day by day. If one of us ever feels like we might want kids, we'll discuss it then. Not any time sooner, deal?"

"Deal," I laughed and wrapped my arms around her neck, pecking Cassandra's lips.

"[Y/N] Dimitrescu," Cassandra purred before pecking my lips in return. "How would you like to see some more of my private paintings?"

"Why look at them," I muttered, pressing into the vampire before kissing her quickly. "When we can inspire more."

"I-in here?"

"It's been a while since we've done anything in here."

"Because we almost got caught!"

"By a lost maid," I groaned and rolled my eyes. "Everyone knows not to come here. This is your space when you want a quiet place to paint. Stop being so scared."

Cassandra huffed and pouted before nodding at me. "Okay, fine. On one condition."

"I'm listening."

"We stay like this. You can ride a strap, my fingers, or my thigh. I just like holding you in this position."

"You're hopelessly in love."

Cassandra smiled, and my heart nearly melted. "At least I have my Queen now."

Forbidden Love [Fem!reader x Cassandra] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now