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'...Why do you lie to me?'

"What's he like?"

"Ex-excuse me, m-my lady?!" Adina squeaked, her face turning crimson.

"Arlan. What's he like?"

"Arlan... Uhm, he's..."

"Not real?"

"H-He is! He... Sends me love letters!"

'You're a horrible liar, Adina.' I hummed and sipped my wine. "And what did they say?"

Adina shifted before nervously tapping on her glass. "Uhm..."

"You don't have to tell me," I sighed and finished my wine. "You can-."

"Is it normal for a woman to like a woman?"

"Is it normal for a man to like a woman?"


"Then there's your answer," I hummed. "Why do you ask?"

"Because... my crush isn't someone named Arlan... I-I just- I don't know. I've never felt this way about another woman, so, I'm still figuring everything out."

"Well, my children, their significant others, and myself are experienced in these feelings. If you ever feel lost, feel free to come to one of us."

Adina nodded and lifted her glass to her lips. "This has blood in it, doesn't it?"

"It does," I laughed before pointing to a different bottle of wine. "That one doesn't. Just in case a maid was good enough company."

She hummed before sipping the wine anyway, making my eyes widen. 'No human has done that.'

"...Surprisingly, I can't taste the blood."

"With the help of Isa's cousin, I was able to perfect it — make it so humans can't taste the blood."

"Fascinating," Adina's eyes sparkled for a moment. "But, what do you do for fun? When you're not working?"

"Those days are few and far between."

"...What if they didn't have to be? You can have fun even when you work. What do you do on your breaks?"


First Person POV

"You can't just stop there!" Everyone exclaimed, making the Lady chuckle.

"There wasn't much else after that. Something happened that she needed to fix, so she had to leave before our conversation could continue."

"So, a raincheck?" I inquired with a smile.

"Yes," She sighed while fighting a smile. "It was a raincheck."

"Sounds more like a future date to me," Isa chuckled. "It's good though — you deserve it."

"You do, Mother," The triplets smiled in unison. "Isn't that right, Costin?"

"Mhm! Nana love!" He giggled before yawning.

"Someone's sleepy," Cassandra teased him, earning a whine from the boy.


"He's been up worried about you and Isa," Hunter smiled sadly at Costin's sleepy face. "He'll fall asleep on his own, don't worry."

Forbidden Love [Fem!reader x Cassandra] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now