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"I love you too."

"Now," I heaved, turning my head to face her. "Why in Hades would you push yourself like that?!"

Cassandra blinked — wide-eyed — before she sent me a smile. "Oh, uh... I don't have a good enough answer for that."

"No answer is good enough."

"Got it! I won't be answering that question."

I sent her a glare and slapped her arm. "Cassandra Dimitrescu."

Cassandra whined at her name. "That's not what you're supposed to call me."

"When you're in trouble, it is. Talk to me, baby, why'd you push yourself? You could've been hurt — I was fine with taking things slow. I like taking things slow, it means we can be more intimate."

"...Do you remember that maid I tried daying a long time ago? The one you killed?"

"That was never proven."

"She had burn marks on her body."

"It could've been Isa."


"...Don't remind me of that," I pouted and shoved her. "Now, continue your story."

Cassandra sighed before scooting closer to me and wrapping her arms around my body. "She said I didn't really like her if I didn't bottom for her... She tried every way to try and get me to bottom, but I wouldn't budge, and that's when she tried to kill Dani. I still blame myself for that..."

"It isn't your fault," I promised, running my fingers through her hair. "Now I'm happier I killed the bitch."

"I fucking knew it."


"I can say it in my native tongue."

"...Tempting, but no."

"That always works," Cassandra pouted.

"Not this time," I hummed, pecking her lips — which made her smile. "For now, how about we just cuddle? And Lovebug?"

"Yes, my light?"

"Next time, don't push yourself, okay? I don't want you hurt or doing something you don't enjoy just because I wanted it."

"Okay," Cassandra whispered, nuzzling her nose into my cheek. "Now let's cuddle-."


"...I promise, my light, I won't push myself again. I just... Didn't want to lose you."

"It's gonna take so much more than that to get rid of me," I laughed while she smiled against my cheek.

"I love hearing you laugh — but I love being the reason you're laughing even more."

"Are we sure Dani's the hopeless romantic?"

"I'll bite you."

"You know I'm into that."

We giggled before settling closer together — if that were even possible — and Cassandra began tracing lines on my skin, the light dragging of her nail causing goosebumps to rise. She began planting kisses on random parts of my body, muttering 'I love you' with each kiss. I sighed happily at the affection and shuddered when Cassandra's fingernail ghosted along my hip, my mind focusing on her soft words.

'I love you' switched to 'I'll always be with you' and my heart nearly exploded, a wide smile spreading across my face. When her lips finally met mine, I smiled against hers before connecting them, letting the kiss stay gentle and sweet. Cassandra had a similar plan, it seemed since she also didn't deepen the kiss. I pouted when she eventually pulled away, earning a peck from her as compensation.

"That's not compensation," I pouted. "I want a kiss."

"I did kiss you!"

"I want another one!"

Cassandra rolled her eyes and smiled at me. "Take it."

I huffed and pulled her in for a kiss, giggling with her until she broke the kiss again. She motioned toward the bathroom, a silent question of if I wanted to go bathe. I shook my head and pulled her close again, kissing across her shoulder until she settled down. Once we were comfortable again, I let my eyes shut, a happy sigh leaving me.

Sleep welcomed me faster than I expected, the darkness shifting to the Underworld. A giggle caught my attention, making me turn to search for the source until I noticed a little satyr hiding behind a rock. 'Is that who I think it is?' I knelt as a smile spread across my face, my eyes trained on the rock, allowing me to notice the satyr peek her head around the rock. She gasped and hid again, a giggle leaving the child as I stood.

"Little Lily?"

The satyr giggled and rounded the rock, holding a small box in her hands. "Sis!"

I laughed and ruffled her hair. "Still calling me that, huh? What'd you want?"

"My birthday's soon."

"I know, I haven't forgotten."

"What'd you get me?!"

"That ruins the surprise," I laughed as she hugged my leg. "Time really is slower for you down here."

"Sis big now."

"You'll get big someday too, don't worry."

Lily held out the box with a smile. "For you!"

"You got me a gift? But it's your birthday soon, you shouldn't have gotten me anything."

"Open it!"

I laughed and took the box from her, sitting down to open it while she sat next to me. My smile remained on my face when I noticed the necklace, opening the locket to see a picture of when we were kids. 'Juniper always wanted us to spend time with Lily, but I never understood why she was adamant it was us until now... Time's always been different in the Underworld, but I never realized how different it was.'

I took the necklace out and put it on, brushing over the photo as Lily rested her head on my arm. 'Poor kid probably misses us a lot — especially after what happened with Isa... Maybe I can arrange something?' Lily shifted and closed my locket, tapping it before everything faded to black again.

"Lily, wait!" I sat up and looked around, noticing everything had returned to normal. "...Astral projecting yet again..."

"Who's Lily?" Cassandra asked, sitting up and tracing something on my neck. "And where'd you get this necklace?"

"...A family friend. She's a little satyr in the Underworld — her mother was the guardian satyr for Isa, so she was always around. Once Lily was born, she was like a little sister to us."

"Doesn't time work differently down there?"

"Mhm. Slower in some parts, faster in others. In Tartarus, it feels like time stands still — but that could be my grandfather's doing."

Cassandra giggled and wrapped her arms around me. "Lay down with me, let's go back to cuddling."

I took off the necklace and lay down with Cassandra, opening it to show her the picture. "This was taken after our first 'quest' together. It didn't go well, but we got home unharmed."

"Lily's covered in mud."

"But unharmed!"

Forbidden Love [Fem!reader x Cassandra] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now