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"I hear you want to get married? Officially? As in, broadcasting it to Olympus?" I squeaked and jumped, clinging to Cassandra as my gaze shifted to my aunt. "That's no way to greet your aunt."

"...I see why you Olympians hate when Isa and I do that."

Hera giggled and cupped my cheeks, kissing my forehead a second later. "At least you two are adorable, and apologize when you scare us. Most gods wouldn't."

"That's because most gods are assholes." I smiled when she raised an eyebrow at me. "N-not you, o-of course!"

"Nice save," She sighed and dropped her hands. "Just like your Father, honestly. Shall we get this over with?"

"WAIT?!" Cassandra squeaked before a nervous buzz left her. "W-we should at least get our family. Just the ones in the castle. It won't take long."

"And it's not like we want a huge ceremony anyway. We just want to prove to the Olympians that this shouldn't be forbidden and we shouldn't be hunted for our love," I shrugged and rested my head on Cassandra's shoulder. "Give us an hour?"

"One hour," Hera smiled as a pen and clipboard appeared in her hands. "I'll get your parents, [Y/N], and once I return with your family, I'll grab the False God."

"Auntie! You promised."

"... I'll grab Miranda," Hera heaved with a roll of her eyes before disappearing in a flash of blue light.

"So, does she smell like a storm because of who her husband is or...?"

I laughed and lifted my head from Cassandra's shoulder, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Only a tiny percentage, that is. It's because she's the Queen of Olympus — Queen of the Sky, essentially."

"The peacock feather she had-?"

"One of her sacred animals," I smiled while dragging her out of the room. "My Father's is a Barn Owl."

"So, does he have an owl feather somewhere?"

"Not to my knowledge. Aunt Hera keeps a peacock feather on her so people see her as her own entity instead of just 'Zeus's Wife.'"

"Okay, yeah, that's fair and understandable," Cassandra muttered while we walked down the hallway. "Well, what about your Mother?"

"People know her as the Goddess of Spring first and the wife of Hades second — as they both wanted. So, no need for a distinction. That, and my Father would have to be the one with the feather — unless you want my Mother to grab some bat fur."

"Definitely not," Cassandra pouted. "'They're just little guys,' As Isa would say."

We laughed as we approached the room Costin was in, knowing most of the family would be with him anyway. 'Napping,' I smiled at Hunter and Bela as they slept with Costin between them. 'Cute, I almost don't want to wake them. But they'd be upset if we didn't.'

"I'll go get the others," Cassandra muttered and kissed my cheek. "Think you can handle waking these three?"

"I'll start with Hunter," I giggled as Cassandra nodded. "She'll make waking the others easier."

"Especially Costin. He doesn't like being woken up by anyone that isn't Hunter or Isa."

"That's because they pepper his face in kisses," I snorted. "I've done it a few times myself."

"I'll remember that next time I have to wake him up. See you when we're getting married?"

I grinned and pulled her in for a quick, heated kiss before gently pushing her into the hallway. "The next time you see me, I'll finally be [Y/N] Dimitrescu."

Cassandra, although dazed, managed a flustered buzz before I shut the door and walked over to Hunter and the others. 'Time to wake them.' I gently shook Hunter's shoulder and whispered her name, holding in a giggle at her groan as she weakly swatted at me. 'At least she knows I'm not one of the triplets.' When I said her name a little louder, Bela stirred and caused Hunter to frown. Her eyes fluttered open before shifting to me, confusion evident on her face.

After briefly explaining to Hunter, I turned my gaze to Costin, noticing his eyes were open. '...How long has he been awake?' I ran my fingers through his hair, earning a smile and giggle from the boy before he reached for me. When I picked him up, I let Hunter know that I'd get Costin ready while she and Bela got up and prepared for the wedding. 'Since it's so sudden, no one will have to worry about what they're going to wear. Something a little nicer than usual will do just fine. I do have to change as well, but it can wait until Costin's ready.'

It didn't take long to get Costin dressed, letting me leave him with his moms while I went to get changed. 'Mrs. [Y/N] Dimitrescu,' I smiled as I shut the door to my room and grabbed my suit. 'Even in the eyes of the Olympians. If this is supposed to be forbidden, I don't want to know what they see as acceptable. I've never felt happier, and yet they say it's against their ways. I'm just glad Auntie doesn't see it that way.'

Once I was dressed, I made my way back to the room Cassandra and I had been in, knowing Hunter would get everyone else to the room for me. I smiled when my Mother cupped my face and kissed my cheek, a proud and loving look in her eyes. 'She's known about my crush the longest; she's probably just as excited as I am.'

"I see you went with the 'Surprise' wedding," Mel chuckled before kissing my forehead. "We only had an hour to get ready?!"

"I couldn't wait," I whined as I stood next to my aunt. "If it makes you feel any better, three people were napping an hour ago. Costin included."

Makaria gasped and lightly smacked my arm. "You woke my baby?!"

"He would want to be here!"

"You're lucky you're right."

"Don't threaten me on my wedding day."

"That's another reason I'm being civil." Mak giggled before giving me a tight hug.

'As if you could ever harm family,' I smiled and returned the hug as the others entered the room, leaving us to wait on Cassandra and Lady Dimitrescu. 'Her Mother will walk her in? It's fitting since it was so last minute. I know Bela wanted their Uncle Heisenberg to walk her down the aisle for her wedding. Cass never mentioned something like that though, so I doubt it matters to her.'

I took a deep breath when the door opened again, prompting everyone to go quiet and wait for the missing vampires to enter the room. My eyes widened when the Lady walked in with Cassandra, my throat running dry at the sight of her in a suit. 'Fuck, I forgot how hot she looks in a suit,' I smiled when our eyes locked, waiting for her Mother to hand her off to me before taking her hands in mine and squeezing them. 'Damn, am I lucky or what?'

"Well, we've made these two wait long enough," Hera sighed with a smile, clearly regretting the rules she had to put in place. "So, we best not make them wait any longer."

"I agree," Mother Miranda smiled before motioning to Hera. "Would you like to do the honors?"

'Please, Auntie?' I sent her a tiny smile when she narrowed her eyes at me. 'It's my wedding day.'

"...It would be my honor," Hera smiled warmly at me. "Hunter, mind projecting this to Olympus for me? I want them all to know where I stand on my niece's wedding."

"Nothing would make me happier," The witch nearly cackled as she contacted Iris.

Forbidden Love [Fem!reader x Cassandra] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now