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"Owen, please shut up!" I yell at my brother's best friend. If it wasn't for Owen my best friend wouldn't be crying right now.

"Sky, it isn't my fault." He says defensively. "How was I supposed to know that asking how a person is doing was a sensitive subject for her?"

"I told you not to talk to her!"

"I'm sorry!" He puts his hands up in defeat. "I'll go apologise to her."

"Thank you..." I watch him slowly stand up and head to where my best friend Jasmine was crying her eyes out.

I hear a loud crashing sound after a few seconds. I quickly stand up to see what happened but then Jasmine comes out. She runs to the door and leaves. What did he do?

I glance in the doorway to see a surprised looking Owen.

"What the heck, Owen!" I yell at him.

"She threw it at me saying she didn't want my apology. She also used a few more colorful words." He told me his eyes boring me. "That's a real good best friend you got yourself there."

I slap him clear across the face... mostly out of anger. My friend had a tendency to be overdramatic. She was also violent and threw things... a lot. I wish she would stop running from everybody.

We both were stuck in the same foster home. All the children there were mean and stupid. Literally though... most of them where flunking classes. I however was a straight A student. Jasmine not so much...

When me and my brother were taken to the hospital we ended up getting separated. Then when I was ten we got out into the same foster home. Three years of being alone. Now for the last four years we have been together.

Tomorrow was going to be seven years since my sister, mom and dad died to a stupid drunk driver.

Little did I know that it would also be the day my life changed.

My strawberry blonde hair looked brown. For the last few hours I went hiking with my brothers best friends Owen and Tommy. I had accidentally been pushed into a puddle of mud. My clothes weren't too badly ruined but my hair was filthy.

My gaze went from my hair to the two boys that did it. They caught me glowering at them. I saw them both turn slightly pink before Tommy winked at me. I could punch them.

"You two are bloody idiots!" I smack the back of Owen's head- being the only one I could reach. "Whose bright idea was it?"

They both point to each other. That's so immature. I love when boys do that. Note the sarcasm.

"Really? Don't play that game with me!" I grasp both of their ears. They both let out a small "ow" before I continue. "I'm leaning more towards Owen but who knows... just tell me already. I can pull harder."

"It was all Owen!" Tommy says quickly. "You are absolutely right."

"Oh." I say sheepishly. I turn to face him. His face was blank and slightly red. I release his ear.

I swing my fist colliding with Tommy's jaw. His face is full of surprise and in the back of my mind I slightly register Owen laughing. I smile at myself for doing it in the first place. I wasn't very strong anyways so I knew that I didn't hurt him too bad.

However my dumb conscious tried to make me feel bad, but I keep telling myself that he deserved it. He pushed me in mud then lied about it. He suffers the consequences. Everyone knows that. Especially when it comes to me... okay I'm exaggerating. You get my point.

"Sorry, Tommy." I mumble but he knows that I don't mean it.

"Okay how come Tommy gets an apology?" Owen crosses his arms in front of his chest. "You slapped me yesterday and gave me no fake sorry. I know you wouldn't have meant it but-"

"Shut up, Owen." I stare at him angrily.

"It's only because she likes you dude." Tommy whispers a bit too loudly to Owen. My face flushes with anger.

"Take that back!" I push Tommy up against the nearest tree. -Maybe I was stronger than I originally thought.- Pushing my arm up against his neck- gently- I waited for him to take it back.

He smiles brightly down at me, "For a little shorty you are really strong. However I think you're pinning the wrong person against the tree."

"Tommy," I say warningly.

"I mean he was right beside me. You had your chance to and all." He smirks at me. I press harder. "Whatcha gonna do, Sky?"

"I hate you. I deeply dislike you!" He chuckles at me. Owen was probably the one I would most likely fall for out of all of my brother's friends.

"Here let me help move you love birds closer..." he looks me in the eyes for a second. "Could you let go of me?"

I do. Biggest mistake of my life.

"There we go!" Tommy's ridiculous voice booms at us. I don't know how it happened but now Owen was pinning me against the tree. "I'm gonna go now. Be home soon. Don't stay out too long!"

Then he ran off. Owen is staring at me. I personally want him to move. I just don't have the heart to tell him to.

"Hi." Owen says awkwardly. He was so close to me I could feel his abs.

"Hi." I look into his beautiful blue eyes. His black hair flopping and sticking to the beads of sweat on his forehead. He was so tall. I was 5.3 and looked like a toddler compared to him. "How tall are you, Owen?" The stupid question leaves my mouth before I can stop it.

He laughs lightly. He had dimples. I just now noticed that. Oh gosh.

"I'm 5.11." he says quietly. "How tall are you, shortie. Oh sorry I mean sweetie!"

"For one don't call me that. And I'm 5.3" I say pushing up onto the balls of my feet.

"No cheating." He pushes my shoulders down making me shrink.

"You can let go, Owen. Tommy isn't here anymore." his smile fades. You know how I said I couldn't tell him? I changed my mind.

"Right." he pulls away from me.

We were silent for awhile. A long while. The trail back to the house was already long in the first place. Now it was almost painful.

We stood in front of the house. I hated the pathway that led to the door and the door. I hated the people roaming the halls and the floor beneath them. I wasn't stupid. The lady only put up with us for the money. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Your have really pretty blue eyes." His voice startles me. I look over at Owen. "You can only tell when you're really close."

My face blushes deeply. I don't know how to respond.

"I'm really glad it is summer." He says still staring at me.

I smirk at him, "Sorry to burst your bubble but I don't wear bikinis. I also don't go swimming. Ever."

He puts a hand on his chest and stumbles back, "What horrible childhood did you have?!"

I narrow my eyes at him. He new what horrible childhood I grew up in. I think he just tried so hard to act like we were no different than him that he forgot. I appreciated that.

"Right." he says, his face a falling. He scratches the back of his neck. "Listen I'm sorry-"

"Owen, it's fine. Go home." I say pushing his shoulder. He looks upset.

"I'm sorry."

"I mean go home to take a shower because you stink." I playfully shove him again.

"So do you!" He points an accusing finger at me.

"Because of you and Tommy!" I roll my eyes at him. "Go home. Seriously. I can't stand to see that ugly face of yours for much longer."

"Ouch." he says in a monotone voice. I laugh at him as he walks away.

Now I just have to go inside... Sounds easy enough.

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