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I guess that if he did like me I wouldn't care that much. I mean it is a nice feeling being liked and all. The only thing is I don't like him. I don't like him at all. I mean sure he is hot- and yes I'm not afraid to admit that- but I just can't figure him out. He just seems like trouble. Then again I have the ability to open portals if I say please.

Now I have to come back to reality. I've currently locked the door to keep Jack from leaving. I'm trying to convince him to go back home. He doesn't want to even though I will be going. I guess that knocks out the whole part where I thought he liked me.

"Why don't you want to go back?" I demand for the millionth time. Then I have a question that might reel him in. "Don't you have a family or friends? Maybe even a... girlfriend? Okay we both know you don't have a girlfriend... crush?"

"Hey I have had a girlfriend before, Blondie. Also I have friends but you saw the house. It was destroyed and we don't know where they all went. So unless you want to steel a bunch of food from your foster mom and get murdered-"

"Trust me I can land us where your friends are."

"How?" He looks skeptical.

"I'll say please."

I looked slightly behind Jack and thought to myself please please let us end up where his friends are. I started to walk towards it and he ran past me to the door. Not so fast. I don't know what happened next. I just know that Jack was sucked into the portal me along with him.


I woke up laying in someone's bed. Ahh!!

"What the-" I began only to rudely be cut off by... Hazel? So we made it.

"You are fine so calm down. Your powers drained a lot of your energy top the point that you were knocked out. You will be fine." She gives a smile.

An olive skinned girl behind her pushes her away. As soon as Hazel is no longer the person in front of me the girl offers a smile. An actual nice smile. I thought that want even possible in this weird world.

"I'm Danica I will be the one taking care of you." Her smile stretches from ear to ear. I also notice that she had dimples.

"With those dimples you must bring all the boys to the yard." I laugh at my joke but Danica doesn't get it. "That song... haven't you heard it?"

"What song?"

"Never mind." I look down at my hand which I folded in my lap.

I let out a small yelp as I realize that I'm naked. I look up at Danica as I cross my arms across my chest. I don't know why I didn't just pull the blanket up, I guess it was just a reflex to cover up. Then the door opens... if course.

I guess with my luck it is no surprise who it is. Jack. I quickly grasp my blanket and basically cover all the way up to my nose.

"Jack get out!" I yell through gritted teeth.

He waved some clothes in the air, "Well if you really like your current state the be my guest. Come on guys." He nods for the guys- that I swore weren't there to seconds ago- behind him to leave.

"Wait!" I groan out.

"I knew you would come around, Blondie!" He smirks and winks at me. If it was legal I would kill him in spectacular new ways.

He hands me the clothes awkwardly. I wonder why... oh right because I'm freakin naked!! That's why! Then it hits me.

"Please tell me this has been the first time you have been in here... our at least I've been covered all the other times."

"Nope." He pops the p.

Ugh! I'm so very absolutely dead! I face palm and shake my head repeatedly. Eventually Jack and his friends left me to change. The clothes I noticed were not girls clothes. I swear that I could fit into Danica's clothes. She was a little tinier though. Then I smelled him. The sweatshirt he brought smelled like him. Jack! I think angrily. What is wrong with that guy.

Luckily I was strong enough to open the door, run down the stairs and tackle Jack to the ground. He smirks at me from beneath me. His face so close that we are sharing breaths.

"You could have just told me in the bedroom you wanted to be this close to me. I would have understood." He winks at me while I snort.

"Please, Captain Jack, your ego is too big that I get smothered just being fifty feet away." I roll my eyes at him.

"Then why haven't you gotten up yet?" He whispers in my ear.

I feel my face turn slightly pink. Great I've been embarrassed twice today. Do I get no reprieve? He smirks at me and I realize I'm still on him. It takes me a matter of seconds to scramble up. And in that matter if seconds I kneed him... in between the legs.

"Accident?" I ask as I see him cringe and curl up. "Stop being a baby, Captain Jack... it isn't very befitting."

"You... are mean!" He huffs out.

"I know." I help him up. I don't know why I just do. So now anything that I did too him... I'm a way I just kind of made it better. You don't help him idiot!

"Thanks, Blondie." He smirks at me. "Wanna meet my friends? Great... this is Graham, Jeremy, Leo, and Matt."

"Wow. So I'm your only girlfriend?" I say clicking my tongue. "That is lame."

His ears turn pink. I guess in his idiotic mind a great way to get back at me is to throw me over his shoulder. I punch his back repeatedly but surprise surprise... I'm still up here.

"Put me down idiot!" I yell at him. I continue to kick him. "Captain Jack don't make me bite you!"

His grip slightly falters. For a second I thought he might put me down. Nope he started to twirl me around. Although it probably just made him look like a bigger idiot. Then the ground kept getting closer. And closer. Jack yelled around to where my legs got tapped underneath him but my head was fine. How gentlemanly of him.

"Ow." I growl at him. "Maybe you shouldn't have been twirling so fast idiot! I know it's your dream to be a ballerina."

"I just saved your pretty little head from being smashed and you hurt me too! Your knees are bony!"

"I'm sorry my knees didn't mean hurt your tutu." He finally gets up not even bothering to help me. How generous right?"

"I'm Harlem." A girl that appears from behind Jack says. She had lilac colour hair with a good portion of the side shaved off. She was slightly over weight and had a noise ring, eyebrow ring and both ears covered in piercings. I must say though that it sorta worked for her.

"I'm Skylar but most people call me Sky." I smile although my curiosity hates me. "So is Harlem a nickname or real?"

"It's my real name and it is quite popular thank you very much!" She sounds angry but after a second it wipes right off. It's just something about her.

"I guess just not where I come from." I say quietly. I have a slight feeling that she has some anger issues. I mentally roll my eyes at all the piercings. I just couldn't imagine getting them.

That's when Danica hops down the stairs. I notice her black hair turns red towards the bottom. It looks great on her. Apparently though she is friends with Harlem because she loops her arms with Harlem's. I laugh at the look on Harlem's face.

"How about us the go upstairs and watch something. Maybe a movie. Jack, you and your friends can come if you wish. Also, Sky we need to talk about you-know-what." I nod slowly.

Because yes that is exactly what I want to do. I want to talk about my powers them watch a movie. Not to mention there is nothing here that is back home... that actually might be good thing.

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