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Because of stupid criminal Luca, I couldn't sleep all night long. Every time the old house creaked or a person rolled over I sat up and looked around whispering his dumb name. Why did he have to leave. Maybe I didn't even like him, but I still cared about him. He was basically family to me. A family member that murders people.

Yup, a real keeper you got there.

Oh, shut up.

Everything was back to normal now. Jack stayed far away from me. I was in the kitchen with Danica on the verge of becoming a murderer. All was as it should be. Then why did it feel so wrong?

It was almost like the past two days flipped everything. Being with Jack brought back way too many memories. Some bad but mostly good. Like the time we got yelled at by my foster-mom or the time we got yelled at by Hazel for leaving the house over night. Man good times. We really got yelled at a lot though...

As if sensing that I was thinking about him there he is. Standing across the kitchen counter staring at me with that goofy smile of his. At first I think he is for me then I realize he has kitchen supplies.

He clears his throat, drawing the attention of Danica. She smiles and runs over to hug him. That was definitely the most excited she has ever been to see him. In a way- and I don't know why- it ticked me off. I just looked away waiting for their way too long- by that I mean waaayyyy waayyy to long- hug to end. It is too the point that I begin to walk away right when he decides to leave. Basically we bump right into each other. However I wasn't ready for this manly chest bump so I fell. Yay.

"You never notice it but the floor is quite lovely down here." I say sarcastically trying to make him feel bad.

"That is nice. Enjoy your trip?" He smirks at me.

"How old are you, Captain Jerk- I mean Jack." He just rolls his eyes as he looks back at Danica. What happened to the sorta sweet guy I once knew?

"I am so excited for our movie marathon.!" She says taking his hand in hers. What is happening? "Beauty is my favorite series."

"Really?" I ask her. She is my best friend and has never mentioned it. "You never told me about it... Can I come watch it with you guys?"

"Why would we want you near us?"

"Jack-" she punches him but before she continue I cut her off.

"No it is alright. I don't understand what the big deal is, but I am a big girl, I know when people want their space." I put my hands up in defeat.

What is going on between those two?

You are an idiot.

What do you mean?



So I basically have decided the world is ending. When it does, God please take me first! Jack is a jerk and a perv. He is not worth my time. I can live without him anyways. Boys are just a distraction.

A really hot distraction.

Snap out of it ya loser!

I am no loser!

Keep tellin yo self that.

There are dark clouds everywhere. My eyes are open and I can see... but I can't either. The world is twisting too badly. There is a tree, and there isn't. It is light out, but it is dark. I'm standing still, yet I am floating through space and time. I don't know what to believe right now. Reality or what I know. If I know anything then I should not believe reality. Reality is a bunch of filthy lies that bring out the fakers. The words chirp up again.

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