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The rain was way too loud for my liking. The lightning and thunder put me on edge. Nothing good ever happened in the rain. My bed being anything but soft didn't exactly compel me to go back to sleep. At some point I mentally gave up on that crap. Do I say up looking around the room. Of course I had to share with three other girls. All of which annoyed the living crap out of me. More than one occasion I had ended up snacking one of them.

Owen had said my eyes were pretty. That made me feel all giddy inside. Even though I was fairly positive that I didn't like him the same way. I had known Owen for the past four years. He knew how I felt about being in a relationship. Heck I didn't even like being around people. Sure I loved them, but I liked them better from a distance. And I'm pretty sure that a distant relationship between two dating people isn't good. I mentally ruled my eyes.

I knew I didn't like Owen. I did care about him though. I did but I didn't want to tell him the truth. Did that make me a horrible person.

My thoughts were interrupted by a piercing scream. I jumped so much that I flopped right out of the bed letting a small scream of my own escape. Everyone in my room sat up not looking anywhere but at me.

"Go to sleep, Hallie." One girl said.

Another one chirped up, "God why are you do loud?"

"I don't know why are you so annoying?" I say mostly to myself but she hears me. I secretly hoped she would.

"Shut up you-"

I cut her off knowing where this conversation was going, "Don't day it. I'm more awake and will cut out you're tongue if you do."

I don't know why being more awake was so important... maybe to get the upper hand? I want sure.

Then there was another scream. I put my hand up to my ears. The rest of the girls seemed unaffected. Did they not hear it?

Oh dear God, am I going mental? I think to myself. Hopefully I wasn't. The last thing I needed was to go crazy.

"Help!" Another scream. It sounded so close.

If these screams are coming from one of the boys rooms, God help me and them. I screamed in my head. What I'd it was in Grey's room. I don't know if I could handle that.

But Grey wouldn't... Would he?

"Help me!" I hear the voice one again. This time I stand up and move towards the door.

"Is anyone out here?" I whisper as I stick my head out the door. "Hello?"

I quietly moved to the end of the hallway stopping at the stairs. I turned back around checking the hallway once again, there was nothing.

There was movement downstairs, it was coming from the kitchen. Before I could even tell my feet to stop I was moving down them rather quickly.

This is a foster home! Don't they know we have nothing good here? I think to myself, still moving ever closer to the mysterious noise. Before I really want to I reach the kitchen. Nothing. Really? Then what was making that noise?

"Boo!" Someone says from behind me making me jump. I whip around to see a very familiar face.

I punch his chest, "God, Ricky, you scared the crap out of me!"


"What are you doing down here anyway?" I ask rather rudely.

"I needed a snack."

I roll my eyes, "Go to bed!"

"Why are you up?"

There was another cry for help. I quickly looked around.

"What are you looking for?"

"You don't hear that?"


"The freakin bloody murder screams!" I yell at him probably a little two loudly. "Does nobody else hear it?"

"I think you need some more sleep." I continue to look around like a crazy person. "Our maybe some hardcore drugs-"

"I do not need medication." I yell at him.

"I think you do." He almost looks concerned.

"I'm not crazy it's just..." I hear a whimpering sound. That noise is definitely real. "Never mind, forget that I mentioned it. Now go to bed so I can grab some food."

"Why do I half to leave so you can get food?" He crosses arms across is perfectly toned abs. For the first time I notice he is shirtless. The only reason I didn't notice before is probably because he is a retarded idiot that disgusts me.

"Because both of us making noises will get us in trouble." I cross my arms. "Do you want to have kitchen duty for the next month?"

"I'm leaving." He states. I laugh as I see him hurry upstairs. I really didn't care if I got stuck doing work. I was OCD in a way. I could handle small messes but my drawers and my part of the closet was in order by color. I even had a habit of eating skittles in a precise order: yellow, brown, red, green and then orange.

I heard another small whimper. I quietly moved towards the noise, after grabbing an apple and taking a big bite out of it. There was a small people light coming from around the next corner.

Turn around now! I mentally scream at myself. You've seen doctor who. Strange lights aren't good. Just let the doctor whoosh in and save the day with the incredibly handsome companion, Captain Jack.

I roll my eyes at myself.

Idiot! Captain Jack isn't his companion anymore. Even though he was by far my favorite. I had tried watching torchwood but couldn't get into it.

I heard another scream.


No! Do you want to freackin die?



Let's just say I moved forward anyways. I wish I would've listened to myself. I was really thick.

My feet get swept up in the air for a moment. The world turned topsy turvy for a couple of seconds. I felt like I could throw up. I did a complete flip through the air. Surely I couldn't breathe. Then my feet slammed into hard ground. With the unexpected jolt my knees buckled causing me to fall backwards. I let out a small "Ow." before looking around. There wasn't anymore light and I was not in my home.


I couldn't tell where I was. I needed somebody to show themselves. I really needed somebody to show themselves.

I hear a noise behind me. I jump up and twirl around.

"Whose there?" I demand. When no one appears I continue. "I know... um... karate so just beware. I'm ah... deadly!"

I hear laughing coming from the mysterious hallway to the left of me. I take a small step towards it.

Do not! I scream at myself. Don't do this again!

Let's just say that I didn't listen. Again.

"I told you she is funny, didn't I?" Someone says. I see two people. I'm looking into a mirror. I must be. I look at the person directly infront of me.

No no no! This isn't happening. This must be a dream.

I passed out.

The darkness greeting me way to happily.

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