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Everything is blank. The dark swirling around my body. My body being suspended in time. My screams loud enough to wake the whole galaxy yet no one moves. I don't know what happened. One minute I was saying goodbye to my brother. The next I was here. The inky blackness my only companion. Then just like I opened my eyes there was light. I stood in front of tall white gates.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Then the angel Lucifer fell and in the midst of their stories there were three.
Three young angels meant to be healers and helpers.
Two fell with the devil.
One remained pure.
Her friends taken away from her she pleaded with her merciful God.
In time he gave her one exception.
A small part of the mentally ill's mind would be filled by the three angels created to help.
Just a small part calling out and guiding its host.
If even one did differently the consequence would be severe.
So to keep true to their word they stayed silent waiting for the three.
Waiting for the time that they would be of more service than just to the ill.
They are known only by the names of:
Searcher and
One shall live just like before.
It is up to you to figure out if you are the demon.
Or the angel.
Take note of it all before it is too late.
For even the demons themselves have forgotten their place.

My mind was reeling as I watched as it all was explained. Everything it talked about appeared right in front of me. So I was Traveller. At least part of my mind is.

The darkness was back and I wasn't nearly as afraid as before. Maybe I would awake. Or maybe I would die before I ever figured it out. My big question was who are Searcher and Liberator. That was what I needed to figure out. Then as an afterthought.

One day I shall see.

One day you shall.

So we are talking again.

Now that you know who you are. Who I am. Yes.




You make no sense.

Stop worrying about that. I am just freaking out about the fact that I have like a 80/20 chance of you being the angel and not the demon.

Well I guess you will have to figure that out won't you?

Yeah I guess so.

I didn't want to though. In a matter of speaking, just no. No thank you. Please go die and leave me in peace. I want to go insane and be sunk in a river at dawn. After I die young of course. If I die young.

Man I am really weird sometimes. Mainly I just couldn't wait to be back. Because this darkness was getting to me. Slowly making me go one step further into insanity. Striping my mind bit by bit. Making me depressed about the life and the gifts that I was blessed with.

Then I decided that Traveller wasn't all bad. I could make do. Maybe Luca could call me that all the time if I asked. Then again he is insane and does it without knowing that he does it. Maybe he isn't the best person to be around. Or let kiss you.

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