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Tonight was pretty rough. I couldn't sleep well at all. Danica tried coming and talking to me about stuff mostly including Jack. After about the sixteenth time of me saying "I don't like Jack!" She finally gave up. I really didn't. Why was that so hard to understand?

The worst part was that my thoughts were running wild. Even wilder than usual. It was like someone was constantly fighting with me because my mind had two aspects on everything. Every time my mind disagreed with itself I mentally groaned and face palmed. I was constantly trying to learn to control it, but the harder I tried the more it made my head hurt.

However now I was able to suck a person into a portal. My powers were getting stronger, however they still made me dizzy. Danica said I could soon stop because I really didn't need to be able to suck more than three people into a portal.

Luckily I hadn't seen Jack in two weeks. So far no one had said anything about us and I was grateful. I could literally care less about his stupid face. Even if he was hot I still didn't care. He didn't care about me so what goes around comes around.

The lights switch on, disturbing my thoughts. The familiar voice that belongs to Hazel rings through the air. She doesn't seem to care about her child being gone. Not that I care either, but you would think that the mother would.

I see her slim figure standing over me. Hands on hips and lips pressed together. Her eyes narrow at me as I can see her getting angry.

"You need to get up, Skylar. Now." She whips around and yells at others in the room. Apparently we are moving tonight before the storm reaches us so we all have to get busy.

Another figure appears in front of me. This figure is grouchy and has piercings everywhere. Harlem.

"Sup, Blondie." She says sleepily.

"Hi." I say looking up at her. She was an okay friend but her grouchiness made her hard to love.

"Danica needs you downstairs." She rubs her eyes.

"Kay." I look down at my hands which are neatly folded in my lap.

I stand up in my night shirt. Besides my underwear and shirt I have nothing else on and at this point I don't really care. These people are like family now and I need to except that. I carelessly begin to lay out ripped jeans and a faded red t-shirt that now looks pale pink. Once I'm finished laying it all out I just stare at it wishing I could crawl back into bed. Like seriously, what sane person likes waking up at the butt crack of dawn.

After my new shirt was slipped over myself, which means I have successfully dressed myself, I notice the note sitting on my bed.

I like your pajamas.
~ Your Captain

My face flushes as I quickly look around. He is nowhere in the room so I can't help but wonder if he left it last night and I just now noticed it. Why is he such a perv? The world may never know...

Before I knew it I was in the kitchen. Danica was tapping her foot and humming to a song I seriously doubt that I knew. As usual, today everything that can go wrong in the kitchen happens. The bacon wasn't crisp enough. The toast was way too brown for Danica's liking. The best part was that the grits were disgusting and couldn't be saved. All of this together made Danica worse than ever, but I guess you always have to see every person's bad side. I just needed to learn to accept that.

A true friend though accepts your faults, and even though she should have, Danica never asked Hazel to put me somewhere else besides cooking. She constantly said that it was okay for me to join her. Now that is a true friend.

"So have you talked to-" Danica begins.

"No and I don't plan to." I quickly cut her off before she had a chance to continue.

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