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//Sadie's POV//

"What are you doing here?" I ask him. Before he can answer jack pipes up.

"Yeah what are you doing here?" I see him ball up his fists.

He smiles that wickedly hot smile, "I really have missed you guys. How long has it been. Two years?"

"What?" I ask him. I glance over at Jack. As if he knows.

"Right... Um anyways I came to say a proper goodbye to Traveller... I mean Sky." He smiles brightly again. I look at Jack once more. As if he knows what that name means.

"She loves me okay!" Jack growls.

"Girls, girls you're both pretty!" I shout before Luca can respond. "So please do not start."

"I know she loves you, Jack. This is my last goodbye. I won't see her again. Yet she will see me." He smiles and winks at us.

I turn to glance back at Jack. Before either of us can question him further we turn to see him sleeping. He is snoring and all. He is so unattractive when he sleeps. And that is saying a lot.

What does he know though. How could he know that she loved back when he had literally been in our lives for two days. How could he know? What did he mean by the last time that he said goodbye yet she would still see him. I am so confused.

It made my head hurt.

//Sky's POV//

So here I am, chained to a weird chair with wires attached to my forehead. Let's not even mention the fact that one of my friends did this to me. Now there is a real keeper for ya. It has been two days. I have gotten plenty of shots to make my whole body numb. Quite frankly I do not remember hardly anything about the past two days. I just know that Sadie is coming for me. She has to be.

"Just one more day and you are complete." The science/ doctor person says. He just looks at me with this sickening smile.

"What do you mean." I ask.

"Not telling-" He begins.

"It will kill whatever it is, won't it." I say quickly.

"Most likely."

"Then what will it hurt to tell me?" I ask. "If I am to die, then I wish to know why."

"I suppose it couldn't hurt." He is deep in thought for several moments. Finally he begins his reasoning. "You are the way to save us all! We control you, you open the portal, then suck in the storm. Easy enough."

"It will only come back."

"Wrong answer. See we thought about that. However a few tests and it is proven with 99% certainty that it will not ever come back."

"Then that 1% is really gonna slam it in your face because I am not helping you. Ever." I spit in his face. Surprisingly my saliva actually reaches his face. "Dang did you see the range on that?!"

"We already thought ahead. Why do you think we have been giving you shots?"

"I don't know, safety measures?" I joke a little. He smacks me. I guess I am not as funny to him as I am to myself.

"I do not think you got your shot today." He states.

"Trust me I did."

"A different one."

I do not know what that is but I do not want it. He was determined to give it to me today though. He gets the crap ready very slowly. I watch as he draws the stuff up into the syringe. He smiles cruelly at me and squirts a bit of it in the air to scare me.

"Now this is going to hurt" He says getting ready to stick the small needle in my neck. "A lot."

"Wait at least tell me what it does!" I get out in one long breath.

"You won't be able to do anything. After this shot you will not be able to gain control of anything. That computer will be you. So even if you live after this you will never be able to gain back control." He sticks it in. I feel a tightening of my muscles, but I absolutely refuse to scream. My lip begins to bleed as my front teeth dig into.

It isn't like I will feel it later.


You can hear me?!

Fight it.

I can't.

Fight this.

Say more! I do not know how to do this. Please help me.


Help me!

It doesn't answer. Just when it decides to shut up the shot takes affect. My body slumps in my restraints further. My eyes close and my brain begins to shut down. A beep goes off in my head, and I stand straight up, my eyes flicker open and my hands jerk right to my sides like a soldier.

"Release her." Someone says. My body continues staring at a point somewhere in the distance. Someone does as they were told. I feel my restraints slide down my arms and chest. "Step down here."

I do as commanded and continue staring.

I need to try to fight this and I know it. I am strong. I can push my way through. They give me commands to do around the room like move chairs and such. I start to dust around the room to a certain extent before I force myself to stop. My hand stays right where it had been. I force myself to stand up and stare at them. The science person walks over to the computer and keeps pressing enter until I continue.

"She must never be alone. She is stronger than we originally thought."

I force words out of my mouth, "I won't. This. Wrong." It is so choppy, but I am proud of myself. "They. Coming. Me."

"Can't quite understand ya love." One of the boys says gently taping my cheeks.

"You. Kill. My. World. I won't you."

They all laugh, "You are a little quiet sweetie. We no understand." Harlem says to me. Her laugh echoes louder than anyone else.

"Stop this now!" I screech louder than I ever have before. "Was I no loud enough?"

They all stare at me in disbelief. From then on they just kept pushing the enter button every ten minutes. I was fighting just like I had been told by myself. Wow, I guess I really am crazy.

"Hook her up. It is time to get started." The boy who had been mean to me the first time typed it in. When I didn't move after he pressed enter about fifty times, he jerked me over to where they wanted me.

There were wires on my forehead, neck and arms. They didn't hurt being attached, but it was what I noticed. The boy mouthed something to me. I saw him wink then he shoved me backwards. That was a good wink. Maybe he was planning something for me.

I watched in disbelief as he went to the back of the room, pulled out a gun and shot the ginormous machine. It sparked dramatically as he did it.

"Run!" I yell at him. I have pretty good control over my voice not my body.

He does as he is told. He is gone within seconds. Although I hear him shout out in pain because he got shot by someone. I just hoped it wasn't serious. He helped me as well as hurt me so I would make sure he was okay.

I want to go home.

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