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My mouth is gagged and all feeling to my body has returned. However I have this weird thing on my nose that is pumping something into my system. They told me what it was; it is on the tip of my tongue I just can't remember. Oh well. I feel myself start to laugh for the millionth time as I see a strange man appear in front of me. He pulls the cloth off my mouth.

"Your hair is stupid." I laugh harder. It was. It was fluffy and ridiculous. It is just such a hairy head. He even has a beard. Who has beards anymore. Actually Owen had one at some point. "My brother had one!" I shout out as I think it. "Hey I was just thinking that. Oh my gosh!"

"I bet you were." He smirks at me and I giggle.

"You have a very deep voice. I like it though!" I say and giggle again. "Are you married. Oh my goodness will you be my wife? I mean husband; I would be the wife! I am incredibly stupid. But you aren't stupid! If you let me be your wife you could unstupidify me! Wait unstupidify isn't a word, but you knew that didn't you hubby?!?"

"Please take that off her nose it is so annoying." Wait a minute I know that face! 

"Harlem is that you?! Oh my gods! Hi!!!" I extend the hi really long. "I would wave, but hubby has pinned me down. Yet he is five feet away from me." I mumble that last part. "Hubby you have to come closer." I pout.

"Hubby, just get this done quickly and take that off of her!"

"Fine." He says.

"No!" I shout as he begins to unstrap the thing from my nose. "I was just starting to like it. After all it is such a pretty brown color!"

"God what was in that?" Farrah asks.

"Farrah hi!! Oh hi Farrah! Oh hii!!" I yell trying to get her attention. It takes her too long to pay attention.

"Oh..." He says turning to me. "Hi."

"Hi!" I say to the ceiling. "The ceiling is so pretty. It is the prettiest cement ceiling ever!"

"When does that rub off?"

"It should rub off in about ten minutes." My hubby says. I love it when he talks smart. He is so amazing.

"Well get me when it does." Farrah and Harlem start to leave. "Ooo can I inject the shot thingy?"

"Sure." He says carelessly. "I will coach you through it."

"Yay! My hubby is teaching everybody something! I love you!" I yell the last part louder for effect. "Do you love me?"

"No." He says.

I loose it and begin to cry for so long, "Why don't you love me!! Am I not pretty? Is my butt too small?! Oh my gosh it is... I cannot believe... this... Wait what am I talking about? Where am I?"

"She is back!" The guy in front of me yells. Deep voice. I do not like it. Or trust it.

Harlem and her gang run out in a blur. Harlem talks to the guy quietly and then he hands her something. A... needle. No no no. That is not getting anywhere near me. Ever.

Harlem gets about two steps closer to me before I start screaming, "Stay away from me! Far, far away from me! Harlem I thought we were friends."

"Not really. Like we were never ever friends." She smirks at me. "Now this will hurt a lot considering we are gonna put it in your neck. Also because I have never done this. It may take a few times."

The guy points to a spot and then yanks a fist of my hair to make my head turn sideways. I then feel the needle prick my skin as it slides in. It takes about a full second for the full affect of it to hit me, and once that happens I let out an earth shattering scream.

"Oops my bad. I pointed at the wrong place." The guy face palms and laughs. "Right there." He points to another spot. "First patch up the first spot. We want to hurt but not kill."

Harlem nods and does as she is told. Once she is done she presses the same needle into my neck at random; she doesn't even bother remembering where he had pointed to. I think she just picked a vein. Somehow this is worse because I black out a little from the pain.

"You know what. This is the wrong shot. The right one is the smaller one that goes into your arm. Stupid me."

"And she thought you were smart." Farrah snorts jokingly.

"Why don't we give this shot another chance. There are still like three other veins on this side. Then more on the other. Besides I think this two inch needle is really making the cut. That is if you turn it sideways enough. I forgot to do that last time. Well I didn't do it nearly as much. Heck I might forget to do it all together."

"Once more on the other side, okay."

"Yay!" She squeals. I scream once more as my head is jerked the other way and the long needle injected once again.

My vision is blurred by tears as I watch him and Harlem turn and walk away. In about two seconds he is back with about the same size needle. I thought he said small.

"This one is injected into the butt, my lovely." He smiles cruelly.

"I am not doing that one. Boys, you guys are up." Harlem says.

One guy- the biggest- walks right up and takes the needle from the guy. Whoever he is. In a matter of seconds I feel my legs become bare and I am on the ground. Two people- I am not sure who- pin me down. I scream as I feel the needle go in. Maybe it is because they are doing it wrong. I am not quite sure. Before I know it I am tied back up. Everybody is gone except one person.

This time he has the correct needle. He injects my arm correctly with no difficulty. It doesn't hurt that bad. This is a man with experience. If only I could get on his good side.

"You get all of these shots twice a day. We need to be able to use your gift. We tried using the mask, but you kept saying no. You did everything else but that!" He seems angry now. Wow. He does not get the right to be angry. "I have to warn you though... this one hurts."

That was when it kicked in. And I thought the neck shots were bad.

I was very very wrong.

//Sadie's POV//

Jack sits beside of me on the bus. I must admit that I have really enjoyed screaming at him recently. I also have enjoyed taking out my frustration on any body part in arms reach. It was really touching that he chose to come help me with my sister. The alternative was be with Danica. I am really trying to get out of my mind what she said to him before we left. I am eternally scarred.

We feel the bus begin to slow down meaning there is someone waiting for the bus. I look over to Jack to ask him something.

"How much longer do you think this will take?"

"About eight hours at most." He shrugs.

"Great." I sigh then turn back to him. "How long do you think it will take to find the right building?"

"Unless he moved I know where it is." He says cheerfully, and for that I whack him upside the head.

"May I sit here?" Someone ask behind me. I do not even bother turning around.

"No." I swat my hand in the air.


"She said..." Jack looks up. His eyes pop a little. "My word."

"What?" I ask as I begin to turn around.


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