Chapter 1

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(A/N- This story begins after the USJ attack on UA but it is still their first year. You can play the above song while reading this chapter and I hope you enjoy this book^^ Now let's begin)

-Izuku POV-

I am so tired today. Classes were fine if I wasn't so exhausted from last night and have to keep up my acting. I work in a store as a part time job from night till break of dawn and I never had a problem when it comes to sleep since I am suffering from Insomnia and I can't fall asleep anyways. I have to put makeup on before I come to class since no one knows about me dong this and I really need it for the money. If they ever found out, I will not be able to work again and then everything can go downhill from there. So I have to be careful when I come to class.

It is homeroom and our teacher enters the classroom. Everyone immediately goes silently back to their seats and look at our teacher. 

"Okay Problem Children, UA has decided to install dorms inside UA grounds so that we can protect our students easily from any attack from villains. We will be coming to each and every one of your house to get a sign from your parents."

I start to panic since I can't let anyone get inside my house. I take a deep breath in and out. Then I figure out a plan.

"E-excuse Me Aizawa Sensei, My p-parents are currently abroad for a business trip and w-won't be at home. I-Is i-it p-possible if I ask them to mail their consent to you?"

"Okay Problem Child, but I need it by tonight."

"Y-yes Sensei."

I felt so relieved but I did not show it. I had to keep up my act for now. I am lucky that he fell for that one. I almost thought he would call them although I have a plan prepared for that since I am not good at hacking and building for nothing. I have to make sure to remember to keep tha voice changer ready just in case.

-Aizawa POV-

Midoriya was acting a bit off when I mentioned about the dorms. I do wonder if he is hiding something? I may as well call his mom today just in case. But right now I need a nap.

-Time Skip to After Classes-

I am so glad that school is over for today. I really need some coffee right now. I walk over to the staffroom and grab myself a cup of coffee. I then proceed to my desk and grab Midoriya's File. I open it and look up for Mrs. Midoriya's number. 

I find the number and dial it on my phone. It starts to ring once, then twice and the thrice. Finally in the fourth time, it was picked up.

-Izuku POV-

I had reached home and was about to freshen up when I heard my mom's phone ring. I immediately took my voice changer and put it on. Then I set it to my mom's voice and answered the phone.

"Hello, Inko Midoriya speaking, who is this?"

"Hello Mrs. Midoriya, I am Shoto Aizawa, Izuku's homeroom teacher."

I was surprised to hear that but I replied calmly,

"Oh, has he done something and gotten into trouble?"

"No ma'am, I called as I wanted to get your consent on allowing your son to live in the UA dormitories."

"I see, I am fine with it as long as he will be allowed to come home during the weekends. There is no one to look after the home other than him and we don't know when we will be back."

"That is fine ma'am. I will arrange that. Thanks for the consent."

"You're welcome."

I hang up the call. I remove the voice changer and place it on my desk. I breathe out a sigh of relief and get ready to freshen up.

-Aizawa POV-

So now that's done but I can't help but have a bad feeling about that call. I must be overthinking stuff. I need my coffee and a nap. Wait I can't. I have to go to the rest of the students houses and get their consent. Well there goes my nap time but at least I have my coffee.

-Katsuki POV-

Why was that nerd lying about that? I know him way too well to know that he was lying. But why? I may as well text him tonight. Wait, why do I care about him? He is just another extra even if I did apologize to him. I do feel bad about bullying him and apologized about it so that we are on friend terms but he is still another extra, right? Whatever, I don't care. I have a bad feeling about this though. I will just text him, not like he will reply.

 Hey nerd :Kachaan💥🧡

🥦💚Deku: Hey Kachaan!

How come you replied so quickly? :Kachaan💥🧡

🥦💚Deku: I was online.

🥦💚Deku: Anyways, What's up?

Why did you lie earlier in class? :Kachaan💥🧡

🥦💚Deku: What do you mean?

Nerd, I know you fucking very well and I know you lied :Kachaan💥🧡

🥦💚Deku: It's because my mom had went for the business trip and told me to take care of the house till she is back and I thought she may not allow but she did.

Bye nerd :Kachaan💥🧡

🥦💚Deku: Bye Kachaan!

I am just gonna leave it be for now. I want to freshen up and then have something to eat. 

-Izuku POV-

I should have known that he would figure that out. I have to be more careful now onwards. I walk towards my desk and start doing my homework. I have no problem in completing this since it is really easy for me.

-Time Skip to Night Time-

I have still a lot of time left before I go to work so I might as well clean the house up a little. I start cleaning when I suddenly notice something sticking out in the corner of the living room couch. I walk towards it and bend down to pick it up. I look at it and realize that it is one of my mom's scarf pieces that she used to wear when I was small and before the incident happened. I immediately start remembering the promise I had made for my mom just so she won't suffer.

"I will always try to be perfect for everyone."

I fall to the floor with my back pressing the wall as my breathe becomes shallow and fast. I start crying and hold my head trying to stop the voices but they won't stop.



'Piece of Shit'



"I-I am changing..."

'You will never be a hero'


'Why don't you just take a swan dive of the roof and pray for a quirk in your next life?'

 "I will change m-myself to b-become w-what y-you l-like, p-please.......s-stop......."

'I am sorry, Izuku'


"N-no.........No.........NO.........NONONONONO.........DON'T LEAVE ME!"


(A/N- hehe, Cliffhanger.......To be continued in the next chapter......I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Stay Safe! Hope you guys have a good day/night!)

(1159 words)

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