Chapter 3

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(A/N- Hey guys!! I decided to update this book now and here we are^^ You guys know the drill and I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!! Now let's begin!)

-Izuku POV-

I wake up in my living room drenched with sweat from head to toe. I get up and check the time to find out that it is almost time for my shift in half an hour. I get up and make my way upstairs and towards my room. I head towards the bathroom and get a shower. Once I am done, I step out of the shower and go towards the bathroom sink. I feel under the sink where I taped my razor and pull it out. I place it on my wrist and start making cuts, watching as the crimson-red liquid started to pour out slowly through the cuts.

I lied to Aizawa-Sensei.


I lied to Kachaan.


I am Useless.


I failed my mom.


I disappointed All Might.


I kept cutting and cutting until I had around 40 cuts in both my hands. I wash the razor and tape it back under the sink. I then wash my hands and wrap it up. I make sure to clean the bathroom floor and then dress up. I take my phone, go downstairs, put on my shoes and then go out to the store. I am not going to eat because I am fat and I look ugly. I wish I could just die but life really does have that cut out for me.

-Aizawa POV-

I am so tired, I just want coffee and sleep. Not like I will be able to sleep. My patrol is almost up so I decide to go ahead and buy some coffee since I am about to run out at home. I see a sore that is open and it shows that it is open for 24 hrs. I get in and see the shop that is very well kept. I go to the coffee aisle and grab a bag of coffee. I then go to the counter to get it payed. When I get to the counter, I see the Cashier, with his back turned towards me, setting up the new arrivals shelf. It is when I notice something. The cashier has bushy green hair which totally looks so much like my Problem child's. I can't say anything yet since I can't see his face.

"Excuse me, I would like to get this bag of coffee."

"Oh sorry sir, I am coming."

The Cashier turns around and that is when my suspicions are confirmed. It is Problem Child.


"Problem Child, Why are you working in a grocery store at night??"

"I j-just work f-for s-some days s-since t-the o-owner is o-on vacation."

"Okay Problem Child but are you getting any sleep?"

"Y-yes, I d-do"

I feel like he was not telling the truth in that question. There must be something he is hiding.

"Problem Child, Are you lying to me?"

"N-no A-Aizawa-Sensei."

I know he is lying but why? I think there is something that I should be knowing here.

"Problem Child, Is there something you want to tell me?"

"N-no A-Aizawa-Sensei."

I hope that whatever it is, it is not that bad.

"Okay Problem Child but now can I get my coffee?"

"Oh S-sorry!"

"It's Fine Problem Child."

I pay for the coffee bag and leave the store with one thing in my mind, Watch Midoriya more carefully from now on.

-Time Skip to Homeroom- (A/N- Sorry, I am just getting kind of lazy here.....TT)

I go to Class 1A for homeroom and watch as all the students go quiet and get back to their seats. I am so not into teaching today.

"Okay Problem Children, Do whatever you want but don't be so loud." 

I then get into my sleeping bag and drop to the floor. I decide that this is the best time to observe Midoriya. I see lida get up and tell the whole class to be more quieter. Then Midoriya's friends, Uraraka, Tsuyu and Todoroki go to Midoriya and start a conversation. I watch as all of them are talking and laughing but also noting that Midoriya was faking it all. It was not obvious and would not have been noticed if not looked carefully.

I watch as Midoriya looks out of the window with a tired face and eyes void of and happiness. The others did not even notice that he was not even in the conversation. I am angry that Uraraka, Tsuyu and Todoroki could not even notice that Midoriya was not even paying attention to them.

I then see lida go towards them and start a conversation with them, completely ignoring Midoriya. I was feeling angry but that is when I notice something. Katsuki Bakugo, The angry Pomeranian of our class, was staring at Izuku with a worried look. It may not seen if not looked carefully but it was there. There was something definitely wrong and I will find out.

The bell rings and the classes are over. I get out of the sleeping bag and face the class.

"Okay Problem Children, Class is over but I need Bakugo to stay in class for a few minutes."

Everyone started to pack up and make their way out of class leaving me and Bakugo alone.

-Katsuki POV-

I wonder why the old hobo wants me for? I guess I am gonna find out.

"Hey! What did you need me for?"

"I want to talk to you about Midoriya. I believe you noticed too, right?"

"Yeah....That nerd is definitely hiding something. He was fucking lying when he said that his mom was on a business trip but when I messaged him, he told me that it's because his mom was in a business trip and that there was no one to take care of the house other than him so he thought that she won't allow but she did. The thing is, I am pretty sure there was another reason. I know he fucking lied."

"And how are you so sure that he lied?"

"I have known since we were in diapers and our mom's are friends. I can easily understand when he is lying."

"That is concerning but I did call his mom who gave me permission but only he was able to go home during the weekends. I can't help but have a bad feeling about all this."

"That nerd is good at hiding how he truly feels. He has been ever since he came to UA. He does feel left out from his Dekusquad, Heck! Deku itself is not part of it. He is just there physically but not mentally."

"I have noticed that as well. There is something we are missing over here which we need to find out."

"That is Fucking true. He is not telling something."

"Bakugo, why are you so willing to help Midoriya?"

"It's just that........ used to fucking bully him since he was a late bloomer meaning that he was mostly quirkless. I thought that it was not possible to be a hero without a quirk and I wanted to keep him safe. I bullied him and well........ the school just encouraged us. I fucking wish I never did that. I apologized to him but I still fucking feel bad about it."

"It happens Bakugo but at least you realized your mistake. That is what matters. Now we have to focus on helping Midoriya."

"Fuck yeah!"

"Now out, I need a break."

"Bye old hobo!"

I get up to leave the classroom and decide one thing in mind right now, 'Find out what is going on with Izuku and help him.' This is what I will fucking do.

(A/N- Hey guys! Another chapter done! Just a side note that I will be posting a chapter in the other book soon so it is not really over yet^^ I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please do comment on which book to update next! Hope you guys have a good day/night! Stay Safe!)  

(1291 Words)

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